Study plan – FMT / B0715A270007 / - / - / B / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2025/2026Study programmeB0715A270007 – Materials and technologies for the automotive industry
FacultyFaculty of Materials Science and TechnologySpecialization
Type of studyBachelor
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 632-2006/01 TTD Creation of technical documentation 1 CrEx 3+3 7 Czech PZ
PSP selection 651-2203/01 ZCH Introduction to Chemistry 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 653-2002/04 NOM Materials Science 1 CrEx 4+3 7 Czech ZT
PSP selection 310-2211/01 M I Mathematics I 1 CrEx 3+4 7 Czech ZT
PSP selection 713-0012/01 TVA Physical Education A 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2145/01 Ac/I-FMT English Language c/I for FMT (intermediate) 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 711-0479/31 ZP Fundamentals of Law 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-2345/01 Nc/I German Language c/I (intermediate) 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 711-0136/02 SRIP Social Reality in Engineering Practice 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 711-0527/11 SS Soft Skills I 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 651-2236/01 MBSAT Materials for automobile braking systems and their testing 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ MAP
PSP selection 310-2212/01 M II Mathematics II 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech ZT
PSP selection 713-0013/01 TVB Physical Education B 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
PSP selection 480-8611/01 FAP Physics 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 330-2004/01 STATM Statics 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection 632-2025/01 PUKA Surface treatment of the car body 1 CrEx 3+2 5 Czech PZ
PSP selection 632-2011/01 UGS Úvod do grafických systémů 1 GC 0+2 3 Czech PZ
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2146/01 Ac/II-FMT English Language c/II for FMT (intermediate) 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-2346/01 Nc/II German Language c/II (intermediate) 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 632-2023/01 3DM 3D modeling 2 GC 0+4 4 Czech
PSP selection 635-2033/01 ZT Basics of thermodynamics 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 330-2003/01 PaP Mechanics of Materials 2 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection 652-1415/02 SAD Metalcasting for Automotive Parts 2 CrEx 4+3 7 Czech PZ TVA
PSP selection 632-2007/02 SAL Welding and Gluing 2 CrEx 4+4 8 Czech PZ TVA
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2147/01 Ac/III-FMT English Language c/III for FMT (intermediate) 2 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-2347/01 Nc/III German Language c/III (intermediate) 2 Cr 0+2 2 Czech

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 632-0422/04 ZSSV Basic of the road vehicles construction 2 CrEx 3+3 7 Czech PZ ZSS
PSP selection 632-2009/01 SAK Connections of automotive construction 2 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech PZ TVA
PSP selection 632-2013/01 OP Industrial Practice 2 Cr 0 D+4 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 632-2010/01 PMSV Operational measurements and adjustment vehicles 2 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech PZ ZSS
PSP selection 632-2008/01 TVM Technical calculations and measurements 2 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech PZ ZSS
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2148/01 Ac/IV-FMT English Language c/IV for FMT (intermediate) 2 CrEx 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-2348/01 Nc/IV German Language c/IV (intermediate) 2 CrEx 0+2 2 Czech

5. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 632-0416/03 AD Automobile design 3 Cr 0+4 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 632-2002/01 BSI Bachelor Seminar I 3 Cr 0+4 5 Czech PZ
PSP selection 653-2022/02 KompM Composite materials 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ MAP
PSP selection 632-2003/01 PV Drives of vehicles 3 CrEx 2+3 6 Czech PZ ZSS
PSP selection 653-2218/01 NŽK Non-ferrous Metals 3 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech PZ MAP
PSP selection 632-2024/01 VMT Production and material technologies 3 CrEx 3+2 5 Czech PZ MAP

6. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 632-2001/01 SV Approval of vehicles 3 CrEx 2+4 7 Czech PZ ZSS
PSP selection 632-2004/01 BSII Bachelor Seminar II 3 Cr 0+6 15 Czech PZ
PSP selection 632-2005/01 TMA Technology of Assembly of Automobile 3 CrEx 3+4 8 Czech PZ TVA