Study plan – FS / B1088A040001 / S02 / - / B / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2025/2026Study programmeB1088A040001 – Operation and management of air transport
FacultyFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringSpecializationS02 – Aviation Operation Management
Type of studyBachelor
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0422/04 VZL1 Aircraft General Knowledge 1 1 GC 2+1 3 Czech PZ LES
PSP selection 342-3385/01 ZSTvL Fundamentals of Engineering Technology in Aviation 1 Cr 2+1 3 Czech
PSP selection 342-3365/01 ÚdCL Introduction to Civil Aviation 1 Ex 2+0 2 Czech PZ
PSP selection 330-0307/03 NM Materials Science 1 Ex 2+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 310-2117/01 M1 Mathematics 1 1 CrEx 2+4 6 Czech ZT
PSP selection 347-0302/03 ZS Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals 1 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech
PSP selection 713-0012/01 TVA Physical Education A 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
PSP selection 480-8310/01 FYI Physics I 1 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 711-0527/22 SS Soft Skills I 1 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 352-0340/01 TV Technical Calculations 1 GC 2+2 4 Czech

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0423/04 VZL2 Aircraft General Knowledge 2 1 GC 2+1 3 Czech PZ LES
PSP selection 340-0396/01 PSLT Computer simulations in aircraft technology 1 GC 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 712-2165/03 Ac/I-FS English Language c/I for FS (intermediate) 1 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 342-3367/01 ZE I Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I 1 GC 2+1 3 Czech
PSP selection 342-0474/05 PVL 1 Instrumentation equipment of airplanes 1 1 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech PZ LES
PSP selection 310-2112/02 MII Mathematics II 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 713-0013/01 TVB Physical Education B 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
PSP selection 480-8320/01 FYII Physics II 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 711-0136/03 SRIP Social Reality in Engineering Practice 1 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 330-0313/02 TMLET Technical Mechanics in Aircraft 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-6520/01 PLnSLZ Praktikum z létaní na SLZ Cr 0+2 2 Czech

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2166/03 Ac/II-FS English Language c/II for FS (intermediate) 2 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 342-3371/01 ZEt II Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II 2 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech
PSP selection 338-0330/01 ZMechTek Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 340-0303/04 ORU Maintenance Organisation and Management 2 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech PZ PLT
PSP selection 310-2121/01 MIII Mathematics III 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 330-0305/05 PaP Mechanics of Materials 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 345-0349/01 KM Structural Materials 2 GC 2+2 4 Czech

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 352-0354/01 ZARvL Automatic Control Basics in Aviation 2 CrEx 3+1 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 342-3374/01 ZEl Fundamentals of Electronics 2 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 338-0329/01 HydML Hydraulic Mechanisms of Aircraft 2 GC 2+2 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 347-0333/01 CMKL Parts and mechanisms of aircraft construction 2 GC 3+1 4 Czech
PSP selection ZLI 342-0426/04 ZL1 Principles of Flight 1 2 GC 2+1 3 Czech PZ
PSP selection ZLI 342-0426/05 ZL1 Principles of Flight 1 2 GC 2+1 3 English PZ
PSP selection 346-5003/03 ŘKaM Quality Management and Metrolgy 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-3328/01 SDS1 Reliability of transport systems 1 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ PLT
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-6520/01 PLnSLZ Praktikum z létaní na SLZ Cr 0+2 2 Czech

5. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-2167/03 Ac/III-FS English Language c/III for FS (intermediate) 3 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 342-3380/01 LČvÚL Human Factor in Aircraft Maintenance 3 Ex 2+0 2 Czech PZ PLT
PSP selection 342-3379/01 ÚaOLT Maintenance and Repairing of Aircraft Technology 3 GC 2+1 3 Czech PZ PLT
PSP selection 342-0439/03 ZL2 Principles of Flight 2 3 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech PZ
PSP selection 342-3377/01 Vr Propellers 3 GC 2+1 3 Czech PZ
PSP selection 342-3384/01 KMŘLD Quantitative Management Methods in Air Transport 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 712-0131/03 OLA/I Specialised Aviation English I 3 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 361-0380/04 TTM Termomechanics of Turbine Engine 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 352-0341/01 ISveS Information Systems in Engineering 3 GC 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 354-0524/04 RT Robotics 3 GC 2+2 4 Czech

6. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 352-0001/01 MaRSL Aircraft Measuring and Control Systems 3 CrEx 28 H/S+28 H/S 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 342-3349/02 BP Bachelor Project 3 GC 0+2 10 Czech
PSP selection 712-2168/03 Ac/IV-FS English Language c/IV for FS (intermediate) 3 CrEx 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 310-2130/01 NM Numerical Mathematics 3 GC 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection 712-0132/03 OLA/II Specialised Aviation English II 3 CrEx 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 342-3315/04 MJDS Transport Systems Quality Management 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ PLT
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-3348/02 EaMvD Economy and Management in Transport 1 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0677/02 Log Logistics 3 CrEx 3+1 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-6520/01 PLnSLZ Praktikum z létaní na SLZ Cr 0+2 2 Czech