Study plan – FS / N0715A270033 / - / - / N / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2025/2026Study programmeN0715A270033 – Applied Mechanics
FacultyFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringSpecialization
Type of studyFollow-up Master
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection APD 330-0532/01 AP Applied Dynamics 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech PZ MTT
PSP selection APD 330-0532/02 AP Applied Dynamics 1 CrEx 3+3 6 English PZ MTT
PSP selection EMA 330-0535/01 EMA Experimental Modal Analysis 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ NEM
PSP selection EMA 330-0535/02 EMA Experimental Modal Analysis 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English PZ NEM
PSP selection MAT4 310-3141/01 MIV Mathematics IV 1 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection MAT4 310-3141/03 MIV Mathematics IV 1 CrEx 2+3 5 English ZT
PSP selection MPIU 330-0534/01 MnPIU Mathematics on Background Engineering Tasks 1 GC 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection MPIU 330-0534/02 MnPIU Mathematics on Background Engineering Tasks 1 GC 2+2 4 English ZT
PSP selection MKP2 330-0533/01 MKPII Numerical Methods of Mechanics II 1 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech PZ NEM
PSP selection MKP2 330-0533/02 MKPII Numerical Methods of Mechanics II 1 CrEx 2+3 5 English PZ NEM
PSP selection TPR 330-0531/01 TP Theory of Elasticity 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech PZ MPT
PSP selection TPR 330-0531/02 TP Theory of Elasticity 1 CrEx 3+3 6 English PZ MPT
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 301-8001/01 MPr_W Mobility Project - Winter Semester GC 0+0 15 English

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 330-7002/02 DesFunc Design Functionality 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection EPR 330-0538/01 EP Experimental Stress Analysis 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ NEM
PSP selection EPR 330-0538/02 EP Experimental Stress Analysis 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English PZ NEM
PSP selection MPK 330-0537/01 MKaP Mechanics of Plastics and Composites 1 GC 2+2 4 Czech PZ MPT
PSP selection MPK 330-0537/02 MKaP Mechanics of Plastics and Composites 1 GC 2+2 4 English PZ MPT
PSP selection MPPT 338-0546/01 MPsPT Modeling of fluid flow with heat transfer 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech ZT
PSP selection MKP3 330-0536/01 MKPIII Numerical Methods of Mechanics III 1 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech PZ NEM
PSP selection MKP3 330-0536/02 MKPIII Numerical Methods of Mechanics III 1 CrEx 2+3 5 English PZ NEM
PSP selection OMS 330-0541/01 OMS Optimization of Mechanical Systems 1 GC 2+3 5 Czech PZ MTT
PSP selection OMS 330-0541/02 OMS Optimization of Mechanical Systems 1 GC 2+3 5 English PZ MTT
PSP selection TPL 330-0542/01 TP Theory of Plasticity 1 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ MPT
PSP selection TPL 330-0542/02 TP Theory of Plasticity 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English PZ MPT
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 301-8002/01 MPr_S Mobility Project - Summer Semester GC 0+0 15 English

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection AKM 330-0544/01 AM Acoustic Measurements 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ NEM
PSP selection AKM 330-0544/02 AM Acoustic Measurements 2 CrEx 2+2 4 English PZ NEM
PSP selection UM2 330-0540/01 UMII Fatigue of Material II 2 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech PZ MPT
PSP selection UM2 330-0540/02 UMII Fatigue of Material II 2 CrEx 2+3 5 English PZ MPT
PSP selection MKO 228-0309/01 MK Mechanics of structures 2 CrEx 3+2 5 Czech
PSP selection MKO 228-0309/02 MK Mechanics of structures 2 CrEx 3+2 5 English
PSP selection MFU 330-0547/01 FSI Multiphysical problems 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection MFU 330-0547/02 FSI Multiphysical problems 2 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection ROB 354-0524/04 RT Robotics 2 GC 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection ROB 354-0524/05 RT Robotics 2 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection VUPP 330-0546/01 VKZPaP Some Selected Tasks from Elasticity and Plasticity 2 GC 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection VUPP 330-0546/02 VKZPaP Some Selected Tasks from Elasticity and Plasticity 2 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection TNCV 330-0545/01 TPCV Thermal stress, creep and viscoplasticity 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech PZ MPT
PSP selection TNCV 330-0545/02 TPCV Thermal stress, creep and viscoplasticity 2 CrEx 2+2 4 English PZ MPT
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 301-8001/01 MPr_W Mobility Project - Winter Semester GC 0+0 15 English

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection BIO 330-0548/01 BM Biomechanics 2 CrEx 3+2 5 Czech
PSP selection BIO 330-0548/02 BM Biomechanics 2 CrEx 3+2 5 English
PSP selection 330-0521/03 DP Diploma Project 2 GC 0+8 19 Czech
PSP selection 711-0479/37 ZP Fundamentals of Law 2 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection SPO 342-0659/01 Sp Reliability 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection SPO 342-0659/02 Sp Reliability 2 CrEx 2+2 4 English
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 301-8002/01 MPr_S Mobility Project - Summer Semester GC 0+0 15 English