Study plan – FS / N1041A040002 / S02 / - / N / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2025/2026Study programmeN1041A040002 – Transport Systems and Equipment
FacultyFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringSpecializationS02 – Transport Equipment
Type of studyFollow-up Master
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0673/01 AVT Applied Computational Methods 1 CrEx 10 H/S+8 H/S 5 Czech PZ
PSP selection 338-0519/04 PohPř Drives and Gears 1 CrEx 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ SKV, SSV
PSP selection 310-3141/02 MIV Mathematics IV 1 CrEx 16 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech ZT TPV
PSP selection 342-0674/01 TDP Theory of Transport Means 1 CrEx 14 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech PZ TPV
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu A
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection VMOT 342-0619/04 VMo Car Engines 1 CrEx 12 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech PZ SKV
PSP selection VMOT 342-0619/04 VMo Car Engines 1 CrEx 12 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech PZ SSV
PSP selection 342-0675/01 KV1 Rail Vehicles 1 1 GC 14 H/S+7 H/S 5 Czech PZ SKV
PSP selection 342-0523/05 SV I Road Vehicles I 1 GC 14 H/S+7 H/S 5 Czech PZ SSV

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 330-0523/01 AMM Applied mechanics and Materials 1 CrEx 10 H/S+7 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0642/02 EZV Electronic Vehicle Equipment 1 GC 10 H/S+8 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0549/05 ISvD Information Systems in Transport 1 GC 10 H/S+3 H/S 3 Czech
PSP selection 342-0677/01 Log Logistics 1 CrEx 10 H/S+7 H/S 4 Czech PZ SOV
PSP selection 342-0676/01 SaFBDT Reliability and Functional Safety of Transport Technics 1 CrEx 10 H/S+7 H/S 5 Czech PZ SOV
PSP selection 342-0678/01 PDPaŘ Transport Means Operation and Management 1 CrEx 14 H/S+8 H/S 5 Czech PZ TPV
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu A
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0680/01 KV2 Rail Vehicles 2 1 CrEx 14 H/S+7 H/S 5 Czech PZ SKV
PSP selection 342-0524/03 SV II Road Vehicles II 1 CrEx 14 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech PZ SSV

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 330-0524/01 ZaMKP Basics of FEM 2 CrEx 9 H/S+8 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0670/02 PjV Design of Vehicles 2 GC 4 H/S+8 H/S 4 Czech PZ SKV, SSV
PSP selection 342-0684/01 LaPC Laboratory and Operation Practices 2 GC 4 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0529/04 OV Maintenance of Vehicles 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech PZ SOV
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0668/02 AV Aerodynamics for Vehicles 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection PPPLS 342-0681/01 PPPLS Computer Support for LS Design 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection PPPLS 342-0681/02 PPPLS Computer Support for LS Design 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 English
PSP selection 342-0685/01 IDS Intelligent Transport Systems 2 GC 10 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0682/01 BaKS Safety and Comfort Systems 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 342-0568/02 TVMHD Traction Vehicles of Urban Transport 2 GC 8 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0686/01 VVoz Vehicle Production 2 GC 10 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0689/01 DProj Diploma Project 2 GC 0 H/S+20 H/S 14 Czech
PSP selection 342-0688/01 SLCvD Human Factors Reliability in Transport 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech PZ
PSP selection 711-0434/03 VOP Selected issues of law 2 GC 13 H/S+0 4 Czech
PSP selection 342-0687/01 ADN Traffic Accident Analysis 2 CrEx 10 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech PZ
Type of duty: Povinně volitelný typu B
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0690/01 KMot Motorcycles Design 2 GC 8 H/S+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 342-0691/01 SPUV System Support for Vehicle Maintenance 2 GC 8 H/S+0 2 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSEkv.CodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 342-0660/03 VPzKZV Selected lectures from the construction of racing vehicles 2 GC 8 H/S+0 2 Czech