Study plan – FS / N0715A270008 / - / - / N / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2025/2026Study programmeN0715A270008 – Industrial Engineering
FacultyFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringSpecialization
Type of studyFollow-up Master
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 345-0550/02 Log1 Logistics 1 CrEx 10 H/S+7 H/S 4 Czech PZ RVP
PSP selection 345-0549/02 MHČ Management of Economic Activities 1 CrEx 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ PEK
PSP selection 345-0546/02 MPV Materials for Industrial Use 1 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ NTP
PSP selection 310-3141/02 MIV Mathematics IV 1 CrEx 16 H/S+4 H/S 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection 345-0515/04 ŘV Operations Management 1 CrEx 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ
PSP selection 354-0524/04 RT Robotics 1 GC 8 H/S+8 H/S 4 Czech PZ NTP
PSP selection 345-0526/06 TK Technological Principles of Design 1 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ NTP

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 345-0511/08 EaŘP Economics and Enterprise Operation Management 1 CrEx 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ PEK
PSP selection 345-0504/04 PVP Manufacturing Process Design 1 CrEx 12 H/S+9 H/S 6 Czech PZ RVP
PSP selection 345-0537/04 MVPS Modelling of Production Processes and Systems 1 GC 6 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ RVP
PSP selection 345-0540/02 PTT Progressive Forming Technologies 1 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 4 Czech PZ NTP
PSP selection 345-0541/02 PMŘ Progressive Management Methods 1 CrEx 12 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech PZ RVM
PSP selection 345-0518/06 PM Project Management 1 GC 12 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech PZ RVP
PSP selection 346-5003/01 ŘKaM Quality Management and Metrolgy 1 CrEx 17 H/S+0 4 Czech PZ RKM

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 345-0539/04 IPM Innovation and Process Management 2 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ RVM
PSP selection 345-0522/08 PNP Legal Standards in Business 2 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ PEK
PSP selection 345-0505/06 PVS Manufacturing System Design 2 CrEx 12 H/S+9 H/S 5 Czech PZ RVP
PSP selection 345-0542/02 PC Principles of Controlling 2 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ PEK
PSP selection 345-0547/02 PMS Progressive Welding Methods 2 GC 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ NTP
PSP selection 345-0525/10 RV Rationalization of Production 2 CrEx 12 H/S+5 H/S 5 Czech PZ RVM

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 345-0548/02 DPPIN Diploma Project - IE 2 GC 0+11 H/S 5 Czech PZ PEK, RVM, RVP
PSP selection 345-0512/04 ZPI Enterprise Funding and Investments 2 GC 12 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech PZ PEK
PSP selection 711-0479/37 ZP Fundamentals of Law 2 GC 10 H/S+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 345-0545/02 PINP Practical Industrial Engineering 2 GC 6 H/S+11 H/S 15 Czech PZ PEK, RVM, RVP
PSP selection 346-5012/01 NMO Unconventional Methods of Machining 2 GC 17 H/S+0 4 Czech PZ NTP