Study plan – HGF / N3646 / 3602T002 / 10 / N / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2007/2008Study programmeN3646 – Geodesy and Cartography
FacultyFaculty of Mining and GeologyField of study3602T002 – Geoinformatics
Type of studyFollow-up MasterSpecialization10 –
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
Sort according tosemester
PV - Geoinformatika, var. I (Choice-compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 541-0053/01 ZHMET Elements of the Hydrometeorology 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0048/03 GNPS Global Navigation and Positioning Systems 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0033/03 SEG Human Geography 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0066/03 MGIT Mobile Geoinformation Technologies 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 714-0552/07 NMaS Numerical Methods and Statistics 1 CrEx 14 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0046/02 PIII Programming III 1 GC 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0055/02 WWW1 Web Pages Development and Design 1 GC 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 541-0025/07 VG Geology 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0041/03 OOAN Object Oriented Analysis and Design 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0047/02 PIV Programming IV 2 GC 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0062/03 PPDW Spatial Data Publishing on WWW 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0076/01 PT Technics of Presentation 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech

určeno pro absolventy HGF oboru Geoinformatika

P - Geoinformatika, var. I (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 548-0065/03 KT Communication Technologies 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0059/03 MSG Modelling and Simulation in Geosciences 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0042/05 MMS Multimedia Systems 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0063/02 PAGT Planning of Geoinformation Technologies Applications 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0025/07 SP Semestral Project-Work 1 GC 0+12 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 714-0513/02 VKM Special Topics in Mathematics 1 CrEx 18 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0024/03 DZDPZ Digital Processing of Remotely Sensed Data 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 541-0545/04 ES_GIS Expert Systems in GIS 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 516-0517/02 VKF Selected Chapters of Physics 1 CrEx 12 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0032/05 SEMP2 Semestral Project-Work II 1 Cr 0+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0077/01 TC Field Work 2 Cr 0+2 D 2 Czech
PSP selection 548-0075/01 ZNJZ Markup Languages 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0028/02 NSGIS New Trends in GIS 2 Cr 6 H/S+0 3 Czech
PSP selection 548-0049/03 PR Project Management 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0037/05 SP3 Semestral Project-Work III 2 GC 0+12 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 457-0703/03 SMAD Special Methods of Data Analysis 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0333/09 Podnik Entrepreneurship 2 CrEx 9 H/S+0 4 Czech
PSP selection 545-0370/03 UDM Introduction to Management 2 CrEx 10+0 4 Czech
PSP selection 548-0038/03 SP4 Semestral Project-Work IV 2 GC 0+42 H/S 17 Czech
PSP selection 548-0069/01 APU Spatial Problems Algorithm Development 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech

určeno pro absolventy HGF oboru Geoinformatika