Study plan – FEI / B2645 / 2608R004 / - / B / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2009/2010Study programmeB2645 – Electrical Engineering, Communication and Computer Systems
FacultyFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceField of study2608R004 – Commercial Electrical Engineering
Type of studyBachelorSpecialization
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
Sort according tosemester
P - Komerční elektrotechnika - ESVT (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 454-0507/01 LO Logical Circuits 2 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 634-0401/02 M Management 2 CrEx 2+3 4 Czech
PSP selection 345-0312/03 Principles of Accounting 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 345-0324/03 ZE Principles of Economics 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 711-0523/01 KsV Public communication 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 457-0516/03 STA1 Statistics I 2 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 116-0301/02 OC Business Activities 2 CrEx 2+0 6 Czech
PSP selection 453-0502/03 EP Electrical Apparatus 2 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 453-0514/01 ES-KE Electrical Machines for Commercial Electrical Engineering 2 CrEx 2+3 5 Czech
PSP selection 454-0529/01 EL Electronics 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 639-0403/01 QM Quality Management 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 639-0403/02 QM Quality Management 2 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 711-0406/02 ObP Commercial Law 3 CrEx 2+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 451-0515/01 bc-EST Electrical Light and Heat 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 448-0512/01 VEKE Power Electronics CE 3 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 455-0532/01 Aut Automation 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 453-0526/01 BS-KE Bachelor Seminary - KE 3 CrEx 0+3 16 Czech
PSP selection 453-0526/02 BS-KE Bachelor Seminary - KE 3 Cr 0+16 16 Czech
PSP selection 448-0511/01 EPKE Electrical Drives CE 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 711-0609/01 ZSCH Fundamentals of Social Manners - Etiquette 3 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 634-0413/03 MO Marketing and Trade 3 CrEx 3+2 4 Czech

2. ročník
1. Pro postup do 3.ročníku je nutno splnit veškeré povinnosti předepsané pro 1.ročník a získat 40 kreditů z předmětů 2.ročníku.
3. ročník
1. Skupiny předmětů pro státnice: 1 skupina: - Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika, - Elektrické stroje a přístroje, - Automatizace 2 skupina - Managment jakosti, - Ekonomika a řízení, - Obchodní právo Z těchto dvou skupin předmětů volí student vždy jeden předmět z dané skupiny. Tedy státní závěrečná zkouška je ze dvou předmětů.
2. Výuka v letním semestru probíhá jen 10 týdnů.

PV - Komerční elektrotechnika - ESVT (Choice-compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 637-0079/01 ETM Electrotechnical Materials 2 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech
PSP selection 455-0531/01 MEM Measurements of Electrotechnical Materials 2 GC 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 453-0527/01 OP Professional Praxis 3 Cr 0+6 6 Czech

V - Komerční elektrotechnika - ESVT (Optional)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 639-0803/02 EM Econometrics 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 452-0460/01 ZEP Basic Electrotechnical Regulations 2 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 345-0330/03 EaŘ Economics and Management 3 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 453-0528/02 SP Semestral Work 3 Cr 0+6 6 Czech
PSP selection 450-0508/02 OE1 Trading with Electricity 1 3 Ex 2+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 453-0511/01 PREL Designing in Electrical Engineering 3 CrEx 2+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 455-0528/01 EMP Measurement Systems and Devices 3 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 711-0602/02 SM Sociology of Management 3 Cr 0+2 2 Czech
PSP selection 450-0509/01 OE 2 Trading with Electricity 2 3 CrEx 2+1 3 Czech