Study plan – HGF / N2102 / 3902T006 / - / N / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2013/2014Study programmeN2102 – Mineral Raw Materials
FacultyFaculty of Mining and GeologyField of study3902T006 – Automation and Computers in Raw Industry
Type of studyFollow-up MasterSpecialization
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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P - ASŘ (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 545-0420/03 ATZV Automation of Technical Support of Production 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0390/03 DistribSys Distributed Control Systems 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0367/03 MaS Modelling and Simulation 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0374/02 ŘNS Non-linear Systems Controlling 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 714-0513/01 VKM Special Topics in Mathematics 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0037/03 SSMM Stochastic Methods of Modelling 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0107/03 ExLD Excursion to Quarries and Mines 1 Cr 0+5 D 1 Czech
PSP selection 544-0004/07 G Geodesy 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0423/02 Iden Identification 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 714-0552/07 NMaS Numerical Methods and Statistics 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 548-0040/03 OOT Object Oriented Technologies 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0061/02 Opt Optimalization 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 516-0517/01 VKF Selected Chapters of Physics 1 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0424/02 Aut.Ú Automation of Processing Plants 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0104/03 AD Automatization of Transport 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0375/02 Poč.Ř Computer Control 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0094/02 DŘD Mine Supervisory Control Systems 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0024/06 PS Project Seminary 2 Cr 0+6 7 Czech
PSP selection 711-0607/04 TSV Sociological Research Techniques 2 Cr 0+2 3 Czech
PSP selection 545-0029/02 AUI Applied Artificial Intelligence 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 545-0223/02 DP Diploma Thesis 2 Cr 0+8 9 Czech
PSP selection 545-0387/01 ŘR Robots Control 2 CrEx 2+1 4 Czech

Cizí jazyky ŠP (Choice-compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 712-0803/01 ŠZ-HGF 1 Spanish for Elementary 1-HGF 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
PSP selection 712-0805/01 ŠM-HGF 1 Spanish for Managers 1 – HGF 1 Cr 0+2 1 Czech
PSP selection 712-0804/01 ŠZ-HGF 2 Spanish for Elementary 2 - HGF 2 CrEx 0+2 4 Czech
PSP selection 712-0806/01 ŠM-HGF 2 Spanish for Managers 2 - HGF 2 CrEx 0+2 4 Czech