Study plan – FMT / N2109 / 2109T038 / - / N / P / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2015/2016Study programmeN2109 – Metallurgical Engineering
FacultyFaculty of Materials Science and TechnologyField of study2109T038 – Modern Metallurgical Technologies
Type of studyFollow-up MasterSpecialization
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
Sort according tosemester
P - Moderní metalurgické technologie (NMS) (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 633-3001/01 DefChov Deformation behaviour of materials 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 636-3019/01 TechMat Engineering Materials 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 635-3001/01 PR_PECE Industrial Furnaces 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3021/01 TSP Theory of foundry processes 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3001/01 TPVŽaO Theory Processes in the Production of Iron and Steel 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 637-3012/01 TPNKS Theory of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys Processing 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3011/01 DipSe1 Diploma seminar I 2 Cr 0+4 7 Czech
PSP selection 639-3016/01 MPZK Methods of Quality Planning and Improvement 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech
PSP selection 618-3012/01 DipSe2 Diploma seminar II 2 Cr 0+6 13 Czech
PSP selection 634-3001/01 ME Managerial Economics 2 CrEx 2+2 5 Czech

PV - Moderní metalurgické technologie (NMS) (Choice-compulsory)Min. kreditů: 24Min. předmětů: 4
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 635-3019/01 KMM Ceramic materials in metallurgy 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3004/01 EaVF Electrometallurgy and Ferroalloys Production 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3004/01 Kov Forging 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3002/01 TTv Forming theory 1 CrEx 3+2 6 English
PSP selection 618-3022/01 SSNK Foundry of non-ferrous metal alloys 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3024/01 ML Metallurgy of cast iron 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3023/01 FS Molding mixtures 1 CrEx 3+4 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3003/01 Valc Rolling 1 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3002/01 TVSŽ Technology of Ironmaking 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3003/01 TVOvK Technology of Steelmaking in Converters 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3005/01 TMPT Thermomechanical processes in forming 1 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3008/01 PTT Advanced forming technologies 2 CrEx 3+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3027/01 DŘO Diagnostics and casting quality control 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3025/01 SOO Foundry of steel castings 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3007/01 ModTP Modeling of forming processes 2 CrEx 2+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3007/01 MaVMP Modelling and Vizualization of Metallurgical Processes 2 CrEx 2+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3006/01 PlaMa Plasticity of materials 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3005/01 SekMet Secondary Metallurgy 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3006/01 LiaKrO Steel Casting and Crystallization 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3026/01 TKO Technological design and preparation of casting production. 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3009/01 PMNSMP Advanced methods of numerical simulation of metallurgical processes 2 CrEx 2+3 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3008/01 ČaUVO Cleanness and Usable Properties of Steel 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3029/01 PPTO Computer support of casting and solidification of castings 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3010/01 iSWt Engineering software at Forming 2 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 633-3009/01 UMPT Improvement of material after forming 2 CrEx 3+2 6 Czech
PSP selection 618-3028/01 SMVO Special Methods of Castings Production 2 CrEx 2+2 6 Czech

V - Moderní metalurgické technologie (NMS) (Optional)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 712-3101/01 A-Fir./I Company English I 1 Cr 0+2 3 Czech
PSP selection 712-3501/02 EKRR/I Economic and Cultural Life and Institutions of Russia I 1 Cr 0+2 3 Czech
PSP selection 713-3401/01 TVM1NA Physical education FMST 1. year master degree A 1 Cr 0+2 0 Czech
PSP selection 713-3400/01 ZVKM1N Winter Outdoor Course FMST 1.year master degree 1 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 Czech
PSP selection 712-3102/01 A-Fir./II Company English II 1 Cr 0+2 3 Czech
PSP selection 712-3502/02 EKRR/II Economic and Cultural Life and Institutions of Russia II 1 Cr 0+2 3 Czech
PSP selection 713-3402/01 TVM1NB Physical education FMST 1. year master degree B 1 Cr 0+2 0 Czech
PSP selection 713-3444/01 LVKM1N Summer Outdoor Course FMST 1.year master degree 1 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 Czech
PSP selection 713-3601/01 TVM2NA Physical education FMST 2. year master degree A 2 Cr 0+2 0 Czech
PSP selection 713-3500/01 ZVKM2N Winter Outdoor Course FMST 2.year master degree 2 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 Czech
PSP selection 713-3602/01 TVM2NB Physical education FMST 2. year master degree B 2 Cr 0+2 0 Czech