Study plan – HGF / N2102 / 2102T006 / - / N / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2015/2016Study programmeN2102 – Mineral Raw Materials
FacultyFaculty of Mining and GeologyField of study2102T006 – Water Technologies and Water Management
Type of studyFollow-up MasterSpecialization
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0811/01 MSP Membrane Separation Processes 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0033/01 FCHP Physical-Chemical Processes in Water Technology 1 CrEx 18 H/S+0 H/S 8 Czech
PSP selection 546-0819/01 PVH Projection in Water Service 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 714-0513/02 VKM Special Topics in Mathematics 1 CrEx 18 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0091/02 VhZ III Water Management Facilities III 1 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0413/05 MB Microbiology 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 711-0604/03 PerMan Personnel Management 1 Cr 8 H/S+0 3 Czech

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0004/06 OP In-the-field Training 1 Cr 0+10 D 4 Czech
PSP selection 546-0487/02 RVT Revitalization of Water Courses 1 CrEx 12 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 516-0517/02 VKF Selected Chapters of Physics 1 CrEx 12 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0736/02 HV II Water Management II 1 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0817/01 TcvHK Field Training of the Hydrology and Climatology 1 Cr 0+3 D 1 Czech
PSP selection 617-1013/01 HAVII Hydrochemistry and Water Analysis II 1 CrEx 6 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 541-0515/03 HPH Hydrogeology and Groundwater Hydraulics 1 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 546-0816/02 HK Hydrology and climatology 1 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0421/08 PTOZP Preventive Techniques in Environmental Protection 1 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0084/03 UVHN Special-purpose Water Management Storage Tanks 1 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 546-0814/01 VHS Water Engineering Systems 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 548-0048/03 GNPS Global Navigation and Positioning Systems 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 711-0506/04 IPK Interpersonal Communication 1 Cr 10 H/S+0 3 Czech

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0686/03 Htox Hydrotoxicology 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0775/01 TV III Water Treatment Technologies III 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0812/02 BB Balneotechnology and Balneology 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0692/03 OchTŽP Environmental Protection 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0737/03 M II Melioration II 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 546-0221/08 OCHPN Soil Protection 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 545-1009/01 AVH Automatization of Water Management 2 Ex 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 711-0609/04 ZSCH Fundamentals of Social Manners - Etiquette 2 Cr 10 H/S+0 H/S 2 Czech

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0092/02 HtV Hydrotechnical facilities 2 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 546-0838/01 OS Specialized field seminar 2 Cr 0 H/S+9 H/S 3 Czech
PSP selection 546-0823/01 SDP Thesis Seminar 2 Cr 0 H/S+30 H/S 15 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 546-0738/04 AVH Antropogennic Affects on Hydrosphere 2 CrEx 9 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 030-0068/02 HSŘVH Emergency Conditions and Water Supply Management 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 711-0520/03 ZáklChO Introduction to Organizational Behaviour 2 Cr 0+6 H/S 3 Czech