Study plan – FEI / B2647 / 2601R013 / - / B / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2015/2016Study programmeB2647 – Information and Communication Technology
FacultyFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceField of study2601R013 – Telecommunication Technology
Type of studyBachelorSpecialization
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
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1. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2001/02 ALG I Algorithms I 1 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 712-0124/02 Ab/I-FEI English Language b/I for FEI - intermediate 1 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 440-2101/01 ZEL Groundwork Electronics 1 CrEx 1 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 470-2110/01 MA1 Mathematical Analysis 1 1 CrEx 15 H/S+15 H/S 8 Czech
PSP selection 460-2042/01 PR I Programming I 1 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 420-2004/01 BvE Safety in Electrical Engineering 1 Ex 6 H/S+0 1 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 712-0120/02 Aa/I-FEI English Language a/I for FEI - elementary 1 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 470-2101/01 ZMA Principles of Mathematics 1 Cr 0 H/S+8 H/S 2 Czech

2. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2003/02 ALG II Algorithms II 1 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 712-0125/02 Ab/II-FEI English Language b/II for FEI - intermediate 1 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 711-0203/13 DVT History of Science and Technology 1 Cr 10 H/S+0 2 Czech
PSP selection 440-2103/01 ÚdKT Introduction to Communication Technologies 1 GC 2 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 470-2205/01 LA Linear Algebra 1 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2102/01 LO Logical Circuits 1 CrEx 2 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 470-2111/01 MA2 Mathematical Analysis 2 1 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2043/01 PR II Programming II 1 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 3 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 712-0121/02 Aa/II-FEI English Language a/II for FEI - elementary 1 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 460-2041/01 ELP Electronic Publishing CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech

3. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2034/01 APPS Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems 2 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 470-2301/01 DIM Discrete Mathematics 2 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 711-0605/26 sociologie Sociology 2 Cr 10 H/S+0 2 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2206/01 PSaM Communication Systems and Media 2 CrEx 8 H/S+16 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 450-2018/01 EM Electrical Measurements 2 CrEx 0+18 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 712-0122/02 Aa/III-FEI English Language a/III for FEI - elementary 2 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-0126/02 Ab/III-FEI English Language b/III for FEI - intermediate 2 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 460-2010/01 PJ I Programming Languages I 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2035/02 UDBS Introduction to Database Systems 2 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2009/02 SWI Introduction to Software Engineering 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 460-2015/01 SPJA Scripting Programming Languages and their Applications 2 GC 10 H/S+4 H/S 4 Czech

4. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2005/01 UTI Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 440-2202/01 TS Telecommunication Networks 2 CrEx 8 H/S+4 H/S 8 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2203/01 EO I Electronic Circuits I 2 CrEx 2 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 712-0123/02 Aa/IV-FEI English Language a/IV for FEI - elementary 2 CrEx 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 712-0127/02 Ab/IV-FEI English Language b/IV for FEI - intermediate 2 CrEx 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 450-2009/02 SaS Signals and Systems 2 CrEx 2 H/S+12 H/S 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 470-2204/01 ALG Algebra 2 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2013/02 DAIS Database and Information Systems 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 7 Czech
PSP selection 460-2019/01 TAMZ I Design of Applications for Mobile Devices I 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2016/01 OSY Operating Systems 2 CrEx 7 H/S+14 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 440-2204/01 PLP Programmable Logical Devices 2 CrEx 7 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2018/01 PJP Programming Languages and Compilers 2 CrEx 8 H/S+2 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2012/01 PJ II Programming Languages II 2 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2205/01 RT I Radiocommunications Engineering I 2 CrEx 2 H/S+16 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2017/01 URO User Interfaces 2 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2041/01 ELP Electronic Publishing CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech

5. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2301/01 BP I Bachelor Project I 3 Cr 0+4 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2006/01 POS Computer Networks 3 CrEx 0 H/S+15 H/S 6 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2303/01 PD Data Transmission 3 CrEx 2 H/S+26 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 440-2314/01 SS Switching Systems 3 CrEx 8 H/S+2 H/S 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2306/01 PřS Access Network 3 CrEx 4 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2029/01 AT .NET Architecture of the .NET Technology 3 GC 8 H/S+0 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 460-2036/01 DBS Database Systems 3 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 450-2039/01 NMS Design Methodology of Measurements Systems 3 CrEx 0 H/S+12 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2025/01 TAMZ II Design of Applications for Mobile Devices II 3 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2024/01 VIA Development of Internet Applications 3 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2021/01 ZPG Fundamentals of Computer Graphics 3 CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2020/01 ISEP Information Systems for E-business 3 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2027/01 JAT Java Technologies 3 GC 14 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2023/01 SWS Management of Windows Systems 3 GC 0 H/S+15 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2302/01 MT I Microcomputer Technique I 3 CrEx 4 H/S+8 H/S 7 Czech
PSP selection 516-0413/01 FYII Physics II 3 CrEx 2 H/S+3 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2022/01 SPR Programming Seminar 3 GC 0 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2316/01 RS I Radio Networks I 3 CrEx 4 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 450-2028/01 VI1 Virtual Instrumentation I 3 CrEx 0 H/S+12 H/S 6 Czech

6. Semester

Type of duty: Compulsory
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2308/01 BP II Bachelor Project II 3 Cr 0+4 H/S 12 Czech
Type of duty: Optional with compulsory selection
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 440-2315/01 PKS I Best Practice in Communication Network I 3 GC 0 H/S+10 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 450-2040/01 MIKT Measurement in Information and Communication Technologies 3 CrEx 0 H/S+12 H/S 4 Czech
Type of duty: Optional
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection 460-2038/01 ADBS Administration Database System in Use 3 GC 10 H/S+0 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2310/01 KEZ Electronic Devices Design 3 CrEx 2 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 548-0058/04 GIT Geoinformation Technologies 3 CrEx 2 H/S+2 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2311/01 MT II Microcomputer Technique II 3 CrEx 2 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 440-2309/01 OPTE Optoelectronics 3 CrEx 2 H/S+14 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 460-2028/01 PDS Parallel and Distributed Systems 3 GC 8 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech
PSP selection 460-2031/01 KTP Soft Skills 3 GC 0 H/S+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 440-2313/01 LvT Telecommunications Legislation 3 GC 2 H/S+6 H/S 3 Czech
PSP selection 450-2033/01 VI2 Virtual Instrumentation II. 3 CrEx 0 H/S+12 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 460-2041/01 ELP Electronic Publishing CrEx 10 H/S+0 H/S 6 Czech