Study plan – FEI / N0541A170008 / S02 / - / N / P / Ostrava / en

Academic year2021/2022Study programmeN0541A170008 – Computational and Applied Mathematics
FacultyFaculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceSpecializationS02 – Computational Methods and HPC
Type of studyFollow-up Master
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionEnglish
Tutorial centreOstrava
Sort according tosemester
SZZ-N-HPC Applied Mathematics (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 470-4110/02 FKP Functions of a Complex Variable 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English ZT AMv
PSP selection 470-4111/02 ÚFA Introduction to Functional Analysis 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English ZT AMv
PSP selection 470-4114/02 VM Variational Methods 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English ZT AMv
PSP selection 470-4118/02 ITDT Integral and Discrete Transforms 2 CrEx 3+3 8 English PZ AMv
PSP selection 470-4402/02 S II Statistics II 2 CrEx 2+2 6 English PZ AMv

• A student can register for the final state examination if:
- has completed all enrolled subjects,
- earned at least 120 credits for all follow-up studies,
- submitted his / her thesis in time.

• Final examination range:
- defense of master thesis,
- compulsory subject: Applied Mathematics,
- compulsory subject: Computational Methods.
When evaluating both subjects, it is considered:
• the average of the main subjects of the program, resp. specialization (compulsory subjects),
• answering a question from the announced thematic areas, see section Study.

SZZ-N-HPC Computational Methods (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 9600-1027/02 UHPC Introduction to HPC systems 1 Ex 2+2 4 English VM
PSP selection 9600-1028/02 ZPHPC Introduction to programming of HPC systems 1 Ex 2+4 6 English VM
PSP selection 470-4502/02 NM2 Numerical Methods II 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English VM
PSP selection 9600-1011/02 PNK Parallel Numerical Libraries 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English VM
PSP selection 9600-1029/02 PMHPC Advanced methods of programming of HPC systems 2 Ex 2+4 6 English VM

• A student can register for the final state examination if:
- has completed all enrolled subjects,
- earned at least 120 credits for all follow-up studies,
- submitted his / her thesis in time.

• Final examination range:
- defense of master thesis,
- compulsory subject: Applied Mathematics,
- compulsory subject: Computational Methods.
When evaluating both subjects, it is considered:
• the average of the main subjects of the program, resp. specialization (compulsory subjects),
• answering a question from the announced thematic areas, see section Study.

N-HPC Computational Methods and HPC (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 9600-1020/02 KPZD Libraries for parallel data processing 1 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 470-4606/02 MATSEM_I Mathematical Seminar I 1 Cr 0+1 2 English
PSP selection 470-4607/02 MATSEM_II Mathematical Seminar II 1 Cr 0+1 2 English
PSP selection 9600-1026/02 VYSE Computational seminar 2 Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection 470-4603/04 DP I Diploma Project I 2 Cr 0+1 15 English

1st year
• Further guidance on the enrollment of subjects in the individual curriculum can be obtained at the Department of Applied Mathematics.
• Students enroll in 1st and 2nd year:
- all compulsory subjects,
- two choice-compulsory subjects in the group PV B: N-HPC Computational Methods and HPC (see guidelines),
- voluntary subjects according to the recommendation of the Department usually in connection with the focus of master thesis.
• All enrolled subjects, including voluntary, become obligatory on the date of enrollment.
• For the 2nd year, the student must earn at least 40 credits from the 1st year.

2nd year
• Summer semester is only 10 weeks long.

N-HPC Computational Methods and HPC (Choice-compulsory type B)Min. předmětů: 2
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 9600-1025/02 PPRZA Proseminar of foreign practice 2 Cr 0+1 1 English
PSP selection 9600-1024/02 PPRPR Proseminar of industrial practice 2 Cr 0+1 1 English
PSP selection 9600-1021/02 APPR Applied project 2 Cr 0+180 H/S 15 English
PSP selection 9600-1023/02 PRZA Foreign practice 2 Cr 0+180 H/S 15 English
PSP selection 9600-1022/02 PRPR Industrial practice 2 Cr 0+180 H/S 15 English

A student must choose just one of each of these two subject groups:
1. Proseminar of industrial practice, Proseminar of foreign practice.
2. Applied project, Industrial practice, Foreign practice.

N-HPC Safety (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 420-4008/02 BvE Safety in Electrical Engineering 1 Ex 1+0 1 English

All students are required to enroll for the course.
The schedule of the subject Safety in Electrical Engineering will be published on the faculty website ( in early September.

N-HPC Technical Courses (Optional)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 460-4071/02 MAD I Data Analysis I 1 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4079/02 DZO Digital Image Processing 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 470-4123/02 EVM Elements of Higher Mathematics 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English
PSP selection 460-4117/02 PA I Parallel Algorithms I 1 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4072/02 MAD II Data Analysis II 1 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 470-4124/02 EVM II Elements of Higher Mathematics II 1 CrEx 2+2 6 English
PSP selection 460-4080/02 ANO I Image Analysis I 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 310-3340/02 MM Mathematical Modelling 1 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4118/02 PA II Parallel Algorithms II 1 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4107/02 ANO II Image Analysis II 2 CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 470-8741/02 MEPNT Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields 2 CrEx 2+2 6 English
PSP selection 470-4505/04 NM3 Numerical Methods III 2 CrEx 2+2 6 English
PSP selection 460-4099/02 MAD III Data Analysis III 2 GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 470-4202/02 AvTK Abstract Algebra in Coding Theory CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 9600-1001/02 ADS Algorithms and Data Structures CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4101/02 ARD Algorithms for Big Data GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4086/02 BIA Biologically Inspired Algorithms CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4074/02 MATD Methods of Analysis of Textual Data GC 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 9600-1015/02 CFDO CFD and OpenFOAM CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4048/03 NS Neural Networks CrEx 2+2 4 English
PSP selection 460-4087/02 NAVY Unconventional Algorithms and Computing CrEx 2+2 4 English

N-HPC Foreign Languages (Optional)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 712-3101/05 A-Fir./I Company English I Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0202/02 AK-FEI English Conversation for FEI Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0402/02 NK-FEI German Conversation for FEI Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0602/02 RK-FEI Russian Conversation for FEI Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0802/02 ŠK-FEI Spanish Conversation for FEI Cr 0+2 2 English
PSP selection 712-3102/05 A-Fir./II Company English II Cr 0+2 2 English

Subject: English, German, Russian and Spanish conversation is intended for:
1. Students who wish to travel abroad (e.g. under the Erasmus program). They should enroll for given subject a semester before their scheduled departure.
2. Students of the follow-up Master degree program, according to the capacity of the Department of Languages.
Students can enroll for the course only once at FEI (Bachelor and follow-up Master study). The number of students who can enroll in this course will be limited by the Department of Languages ​​according to their abilities. Priority is always given to students going to study abroad, followed by students of follow-up Master studies. Teaching must always be solved individually at the Department of Languages.
Subjects Company English I and II can only be enrolled once during a course at FEI (Bachelor and follow-up Master study).
If the student enrolls the courses Company English I and II and also the course from the conversation courses, he / she will get credits with up to 120 credits either from Company English I and II or from conversation course.

N-HPC Physical Education (Optional)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 713-0400/02 ZVK4 Basic Winter Sports Course 1. master degree 1 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 English
PSP selection 713-0401/02 NTV4ZS Physical education 1. master degree A 1 Cr 0+2 0 English
PSP selection 713-0444/02 LVK4 Basic Summer Sports Course 1.master degree 1 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 English
PSP selection 713-0402/02 NTV4LS Physical education 1. master degree B 1 Cr 0+2 0 English
PSP selection 713-0500/02 ZVK5 Basic Winter Sports Course 2. master degree 2 Cr 0+1 W/S 0 English
PSP selection 713-0601/02 NTV5ZS Physical education 2. master degree A 2 Cr 0+2 0 English
PSP selection 713-0602/02 NTV5LS Physical education 2. master degree B 2 Cr 0+2 0 English