Study plan – EKF / N0413A050014 / S02 / - / N / K / Ostrava / cs

Academic year2023/2024Study programmeN0413A050014 – Economics and Management
FacultyFaculty of EconomicsSpecializationS02 – Management
Type of studyFollow-up Master
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionCzech
Tutorial centreOstrava
Sort according tosemester
Economics (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 114-0402/08 Mikro B Microeconomics B - Intermediate Microeconomics 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech ZT EKO
PSP selection 114-0403/08 MAEB Macroeconomics B 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech ZT EKO

Managerial Economics (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 152-0433/03 EŘP Business Administration and Company Management 1 CrEx 10 H/S+10 H/S 6 Czech ZT MAE
PSP selection 115-0493/03 ME Managerial Economics 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 6 Czech PZ MAE

Management (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 115-4600/01 PŘLZ Advanced Human Resource Management 1 CrEx 8 H/S+8 H/S 5 Czech PZ MAN
PSP selection 115-0490/03 KrM Crisis Management 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech PZ MAN
PSP selection 115-0461/04 STRMG Strategic Management 1 CrEx 8 H/S+8 H/S 6 Czech ZT MAN
PSP selection 115-0462/04 ORGCH Organizational Behavior 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech PZ MAN

WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 151-0434/05 StatB Statistics B 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection 151-0435/05 ME435 Mathematics in Economics 1 GC 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech ZT
PSP selection 157-0472/01 OMk Optimization methods 1 Cr 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 115-0460/02 SPECS Seminar 1 Cr 12 H/S+0 3 Czech

WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 115-0403/05 PODET Business Ethics 2 GC 12 H/S+0 4 Czech
PSP selection 115-0469/02 DSA Diploma Seminar A 2 Cr 0+8 H/S 2 Czech
PSP selection 115-4604/01 TM Trends in Management 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 115-0458/03 RK Career Development 2 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 115-0470/02 DSB Diploma Seminar B 2 Cr 0+10 H/S 3 Czech
PSP selection 115-0471/02 DP Diploma Thesis 2 Cr 0+25 H/S 20 Czech

(Choice-compulsory type B)Min. kreditů: 18
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection 114-0476/02 ETP Labour market economics 1 CrEx 8 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 157-0426/03 ORPR Designing Organizations 1 CrEx 6 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 120-0474/02 MPM International Project Management 1 Cr 12 H/S+0 4 Czech
PSP selection 120-0405/10 HP EU Economic Policy of the European Union 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 153-0495/03 EVVSL Evalution of Public Service 2 GC 8 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech
PSP selection 152-0438/02 RIP Management of Innovations in the Enterprise 2 Cr 6 H/S+6 H/S 5 Czech
PSP selection 120-0473/02 MEP International Business 2 CrEx 12 H/S+0 5 Czech
PSP selection 115-4606/01 VSP Negotiation and Social Manners Cr 6 H/S+6 H/S 4 Czech