Study plan – FMT / P0719D270003 / - / - / D / P / Ostrava / en

Academic year2023/2024Study programmeP0719D270003 – Nanotechnology
FacultyFaculty of Materials Science and TechnologySpecialization
Type of studyDoctoral
Form of studyFull-timeLanguage of instructionEnglish
Tutorial centreOstrava
Obligatory course (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0227/02 MCHN Characterization methods of nanostructures Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English

The course Characterization methods of nanostructures is obligatory for all students, unless specified in the possible international contract between supervising universities in different way.

Obligatory course (Compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0228/02 PVVP Publishing of research results Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English

The course Publishing of research results is obligatory for all students, unless specified in the possible international contract between supervising universities in different way.

Optional courses (Choice-compulsory type B)Min. kreditů: 30Min. předmětů: 3
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0232/02 PMP Advanced methods of inorganic nanomaterials and composites preparation Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 470-6403/04 SMIP Basic Methods of Statistical Data Analysis in Practice Ex 28 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 470-6505/02 VYET Computational Electrical Engineering Ex 28 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 653-0916/02 PoSiMoM Computer simulation and modelling in materials engineering Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0230/02 EUN Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0241/02 ES Electronic structure - a key to understand phenomena in physics and chemistry Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9350-3013/03 HKK Heterogeneous kinetics and catalysis Ex 80 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0231/02 MPMS Layered materials methods of preparation and modification Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0240/02 DN Material design using HPC resources Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 310-4002/02 MMIU Mathematical modeling of engineering problems Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 651-0972/02 MPK Methods of Preparation of Catalysts Ex 28 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0234/02 MPO Methods of preparation of nanomaterials based on organic substances Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 653-0937/04 MMSFA Modern Techniques of Structure and Phase Analysis Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0239/02 MMSP Molecular modeling using force fields Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0233/02 NFA Nanomaterials for medical and pharmaceutical applications Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0236/02 NEA Nanotechnology for the environment and sustainable development Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0224/04 OSEN Optical Spectroscopy and Ellipsometry of nanostructures Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 635-0954/02 FRHS Phase balance of heterogenous systems Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9350-3010/02 FP Photocatalytic processes Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0226/04 FKM Photonic crystals and matamaterials Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0238/02 CHPL Special chapters from solid state chemistry Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0229/02 SMACH Special Methods of Analytical Chemistry Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0218/04 SPI Spintronics Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0212/04 SMCH Supramolekulární chemie a design funkčních nanostruktur Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0235/02 MFU Surface modification and functionalization of carbon nanomaterials Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0300/04 TEMP Theory of Electromagnetic Field Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0237/02 TKN Thermodynamics and kinetics of nanomaterials Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 651-0920/02 TNM Toxicology of Nanomaterials Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 9360-0225/04 VFO Wave and photon optics Ex 20 H/S+0 10 English

Students choose 3 courses from the list according to their dissertation thesis with recommendation of their supervisors, unless specified in the possible international contract between supervising universities in a different way.

Language (Choice-compulsory type B)Min. kreditů: 10Min. předmětů: 1
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguagePZSZZ
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0008/03 CJDr. Czech Language Dr. Ex 0+2 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0191/03 A-Dr. English Language Dr. Ex 0+26 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0991/03 F-Dr. French Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0391/03 N-Dr. German Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0591/03 R-Dr. Russian Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0791/03 Š-Dr. Spanish Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 English

Students choose the course one foreign language, which is not his/her mother language. Usually English is recommended, because the knowledge of English is necessary for research oriented study. It is allowed to chose the language of the country where the collaborating foreign university is located or the Czech language for foreign students according to specific nature of the doctoral study under joint supervision.