Study plan – FBI / P3974 / 3908V009 / - / D / K / Ostrava / en

Academic year2024/2025Study programmeP3974 – Fire Protection and Industrial Safety
FacultyFaculty of Safety EngineeringField of study3908V009 – Fire Protection and Safety
Type of studyDoctoralSpecialization
Form of studyPart-timeLanguage of instructionEnglish
Tutorial centreOstrava
2024 (čtyřleté) - PV - 3908V009 JAZYKY - Doktorské studium (Choice-compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0191/02 A-Dr. English Language Dr. Ex 0+26 H/S 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0991/02 F-Dr. French Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0391/02 N-Dr. German Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0591/02 R-Dr. Russian Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0791/02 Š-Dr. Spanish Language Dr. Ex 0+28 H/S 10 Czech

2024 (čtyřleté) - PV - 3908V009 Doktorské studium (Choice-compulsory)
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguage
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0924/02 CBRN CBRN Defence Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 050-0926/02 Crisis management Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0919/02 NL Dangerous substances Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0929/02 DP Dynamika požáru Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0922/02 VPnČaB Effects of the environment on humans and OSH Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0921/02 PvP Explosion prevention Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0927/02 PB Fire Safety Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0925/02 PBZ Fire Safety Equipment Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0928/02 PBST Fire Safety of Buildings and Technologies Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0935/02 ZMPO Fundamentals of Modeling in Fire Protection Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 548-0915/02 GITB Geoinformation Technologies and Safety Ex 20 H/S+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 651-0910/02 PTHPO Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire Protection Ex 28 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 361-0956/04 HGF Heat Transfer Theory and Practice in Fire Protection Ex 25 H/S+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 338-0931/03 FBI Hydromechanics Ex 25 H/S+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0926/02 VKSNČN Influence of Crisis Situations on Man Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 639-0931/02 IMS Integrated Management Systems Ex 2+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 653-0943/02 MATBEZP Materials engineering from the point of view of safety and reliability Ex 28 H/S+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 230-0262/02 MMBI Mathematical methods in safety engineering Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0933/02 MMP Měření a monitoring prostředí Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0924/01 MVP Methods of Scientific Work Ex 0+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0937/02 PKJR Natural Disasters and Coping with Them Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 651-0907/02 FCHHV Physical Chemistry of Combustion and Explosion Processes Ex 28 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0928/02 FON Physical protection Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 050-0925/02 OOb DSP Population Protection Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0932/02 PTVM Požárně-technické vlastnosti materiálů Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0920/02 PZH Prevention of major accidents Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0926/02 OVIF Protection of water management infrastructure Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0925/02 PABN Psychological Aspects of Safety Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0923/02 OZ Radiation Protection Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0914/02 AR Risk Analysis Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0922/02 BJZ Safety of Nuclear Facilities Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0917/02 BTP Safety of technological processes Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 050-0921/02 BPL Safety planning Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0915/02 N|oN Science of a risk Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0921/02 VKF Selected Chapters in Physics Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0934/02 SMPO Spektroskopické metody v požární ochraně a bezpečnostním inženýrství Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0930/02 TZMU Tactics for Incident Handling Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0936/02 TPPO Technické prostředky požární ochrany Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 030-0931/02 TSZP Technické systémy záchranných prací Ex 0 H/S+0 H/S 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 050-0922/02 BUaM Territorial Security and Its Management Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0918/02 LFvPB The human factor in industrial safety Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 060-0927/02 TTOPN Theory and technology of the company Ex 0+0 10 English
PSP selection PSP selection 361-0955/03 Termo Thermomechanics Ex 25 H/S+0 10 Czech
PSP selection PSP selection 040-0916/02 Tox Toxicology Ex 0+0 10 English