227-0704 – Transport Route I. (DC I.)
Gurantor department | Department of Transport Constructions |
Subject guarantor | doc. Ing. Ivana Mahdalová, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Extending basic knowledge about construction traffic, including their comparison. Deepening knowledge of the particular infrastructure including roads and railways and urban rail transport in cities. In identifying individual students to demonstrate the skills to enter grade problems, draw up a draft resolution, achieved by applying knowledge and skills in solving the traffic problems.
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
The course includes basic knowledge on road construction sites, compare them.
It focuses on road and rail development, dividing the network in relation to current legislation. In a comprehensive, albeit a simplified form, the proposal introduces road route to the required parameters, construction of roads, construction
superstructure and construction žel.spodku ways of implementation and impact of transport buildings in the neighborhood. An integral part of the solution of problems of partial structures of railway stations, airports and waterways.
Education is only in Czech language.
Compulsory literature:
Doc.B.Kubát a kol.:Železniční stavby,ČKAIT 1998
Doc.Kaun,Prof.Lehovec:Pozemní komunikace TK5, ČKAIT 1998
Doc.M.Kaun:Základy dopravních staveb I.,ČVUT Praha 1996
Doc.Procházka:Projektování pozemních komunikací,VUT-Brno 1980
Prof.Rojan, Doc.Slabý a kol.:Městské komunikace,ČVUT Praha 1997
Doc.Kubát, Prof.Tyc:Železniční stanice a uzly, ČVUT Praha 1991
Doc.K.Mareš: Úprava toků - Navrhování koryt, ČVUT Praha 1997
Rybnikář a kol.:Komplexní projekt z hydrotechniky - vodní cesty,VUT Brno 1989
Broža, Čihák, Satrapa: Hydrotechnické stavby,TK12 ČKAIT 1998
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.