330-7011 – Industrial Design Atelier 3 (APD3)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Applied Mechanics
Subject guarantordoc. ak.soch. Miroslav Zvonek, ArtD.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Subject version
Version codeYear of introductionYear of cancellationCredits
330-7011/01 2019/2020 11

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Ensure understanding of the disscused topics. To teach students to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in design practice.

Teaching methods

Individual consultations
Project work


Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to further develop students' ability to solve product design with a simple function, to deepen their knowledge of the basic attributes of designing industrial design and to support the acquisition of necessary habits, thought processes and the development of basic skills, including the ability to work with digital technologies. The aim is also to instill and further develop listeners' respect for the technical, operational and technological aspects of design activity.

Compulsory literature:

DREYFUSS, Henry. Designing for people. New York: Allworth Press, 2003. ISBN 1581153120. NORMAN, Donald A. Emotional design: why we love (or hate) everyday things. New York: Basic Books, 2005. ISBN 0-465-05136-7. PELCL, Jiří. Design: od myšlenky k realizaci = from idea to realization. V Praze: VŠUP v Praze, c2012. ISBN 978-80-86863-45-0

Recommended literature:

MALANIUK, Bohdan. Design v architektuře a stavebnictví: z dějin průmyslového designu. Praha: ČVUT, 1991. FIELL, Charlotte a Peter FIELL. Industrial design. Praha: Slovart, c2003. ISBN 3-8228-2426-7. CROSS, N. Engineering Design Methods, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1989, 230p.

Additional study materials


Subject codeAbbreviationTitleRequirement
330-7010 APD2 Industrial Design Atelier 2 Recommended


Subject has no co-requisities.