615-0803 – Organic Analysis (OA)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Analytic Chemistry Processes
Subject guarantordoc. RNDr. Ervín Kozubek, CSc.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Subject version
Version codeYear of introductionYear of cancellationCredits
615-0803/01 2004/2005 2013/2014 6

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

To take up with instrumental methods in organic analysis. The main attention is paid to the separation and spectral methods and their use in the analysis of organic substances.

Teaching methods

Experimental work in labs
Project work


The subject is an extension of the subject in Inorganic Analysis and describe the structure of organic compounds, both in terms of theoretical, and practical (deepening of spectral and separation methods of instrumental structural analysis). In limited range it also deals with classic organic analysis of functional groups and their reactions.

Compulsory literature:

1] Praus, P., Dombek V., Klika Z. Základy analytické chemie VŠB-TUO, Ostrava, 2001, 110 s. [2] Stránský, Z. a kol. Analýza organických sloučenin UP, Olomouc,1981. 235 s. [3] Holzbecher, Z., Churáček J.a kol. Analytická chemie SNTL, Praha 1987, 664 s. [4] Zýka, J. a kol. Analytická příručka 1. a 2. díl, SNTL, Praha např. 1973 a 1988. [5] Kalous, V. a kol. Metody chemického výzkumu SNTL Alfa, Praha 1987. 431s. [6] Böhm, S., Smrčková-Voltrová S. Strukturní analýza organických látek Skripta, VŠCHT Praha, Praha, 1995.

Recommended literature:

[1] Churáček, J. a kol. Analytická separace látek SNTL, Praha, 1990, 384 s. [2] Kalous, V. Jak moderní chemie zkoumá strukturu molekul SNTL, Praha, 1983, 152 s.

Additional study materials


Subject codeAbbreviationTitleRequirement
9360-0001 AA Inorganic analyses Recommended


Subject has no co-requisities.