616-2022 – Waste Treatment (NsO)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Environmental Protection in Industry
Subject guarantorIng. Jiří Fiedor, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Subject version
Version codeYear of introductionYear of cancellationCredits
616-2022/01 2019/2020 2021/2022 4
616-2022/02 2019/2020 2021/2022 4

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

- student will be able to define basic concepts in waste management including their practical interpretation. - student will be able to explain the essence of a system of municipal waste management in its whole range. - student will know the industrial technologies, the types of waste that occur during their operation, and methods of their processing - student will be able to suggest the best method for processing of a specific type of waste - student will be able to evaluate the properties of municipal waste with respect to its material composition - student will be able to analyze samples of waste materials

Teaching methods



Students of the course will be introduced with the basic concepts of waste management, will be discussed basic hierarchy (priority) in waste treatment, described the types of waste generated in the various spheres of production and processing functions, defined the basic chemical, physical and physico-chemical waste treatment processes, described the basic technology processing for different types of waste, focusing on the description of the basic analytic methods used in the analysis of waste.

Compulsory literature:

FIEDOR, J. Waste management. e-lerning support, 141 p., 2021. TWARDOWSKA, Irena, Herbert Ellis ALLEN, A. A. KETTRUP a William J. LACY, ed. Solid waste: assessment, monitoring and remediation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004. ISBN 0-080-44321-4. BILITEWSKI, Bernd, Georg HÄRDTLE a Klaus MAREK. Waste management. Berlin: Springer, c1997. ISBN 3-540-59210-5.

Recommended literature:

TCHOBANOGLOUS, G. Integrated Waste Management. Ed. by MCGRAW-HILL COLLEGE, 1993, ISBN 0071128654.

Additional study materials


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.