714-0666 – Mathematics II (M II)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry
Subject guarantorMgr. Jiří Vrbický, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Subject version
Version codeYear of introductionYear of cancellationCredits
714-0666/01 1999/2000 2014/2015 6
714-0666/02 1999/2000 2009/2010 6

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

The goal of mathematics is train logical reasoning than mere list of mathematical notions, algorithms and methods. Students should learn how to: analyze problems, suggest a method of solution, analyze correctness of achieved results with respect to given conditions, aply these methods while solving technical problems.

Teaching methods

Individual consultations
Other activities


Differential calculus of functions of several independent variables. Integral calculus of function of one real variable: the indefinite and definite integrals, properties of the indefinite and definite integrals, application in the geometry and physics. Ordinary differential equations of the first and the second order.

Compulsory literature:

James, G.: Modern Engineering Mathematics. Addison-Wesley, 1992. ISBN 0-201-1805456. James, G.: Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics. Addison-Wesley, 1993. ISBN 0-201-56519-6.

Recommended literature:

Harshbarger, R.J.-Reynolds, J.J.: Calculus with Applications. D.C.Heath and Company, Lexington1990, ISBN 0-669-21145-1.

Additional study materials


Subject codeAbbreviationTitleRequirement
714-0665 M I Mathematics I Compulsory


Subject has no co-requisities.