Study block – ECTS Bc._Mgr.

Academic year2025/2026Form of studyFull-time
Language of instructionEnglishType of obligations for subjects in blockChoice-compulsory
Block ownerFaculty of Civil Engineering - Dean's Office
Intended for the facultiesFaculty of Civil EngineeringIntended for study programme
Intended for consultation centresOstravaIntended for field of study
Intended for study typesIntended for study specialization
Subjects included in block
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguageSubject guarantor (contact person)
PSP selection 226-0507/02 AA1 Architectural Design 1 GC 0+8 8 Czech, English Ing. arch. Lenka Volná
PSP selection 226-0409/02 AT1 Architecture Design Studio 1 GC 0+8 8 Czech, English Ing. arch. Ing. Daniel Vaněk, Ph.D.
PSP selection 224-0260/02 ZHIG Basics of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. RNDr. Pavel Pospíšil, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0201/02 PS1 Building Constructions I. CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Kateřina Kubenková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0203/04 OPB Building Envelopes CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Kateřina Kubenková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 229-0103/02 TZB Building Service-Systems CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Andrea Baďurová
PSP selection 226-0408/02 NOS2 Building Typology 2 Ex 2+0 2 Czech, English Doc. Ing. arch. Eva Špačková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 205-0701/02 2DV CAD and visualisation GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Lenka Jurčíková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0232/04 PP Elasticity and plasticity CrEx 2+3 6 Czech, English Ing. Lenka Lausová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0205/04 PRB Failures and Reconstructions of Buildings CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Jiří Teslík, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0312/02 MKP Finite Element Method CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Marie Horňáková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 224-0061/02 ZS Foundation enginering CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Dr. Ing. Hynek Lahuta
PSP selection 224-0248/02 GHD Geohydrodynamics CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Naďa Rapantová, CSc.
PSP selection 222-0602/02 INFM Information management of buildings CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Eva Wernerová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0303/02 ISPPS Information systems of ground structures and industrial constructions GC 0+4 4 Czech, English Ing. Marek Jašek, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0210/02 ŘV Management of Buildings CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Kateřina Stejskalová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0310/02 MM Mechanics of Materials CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jiří Brožovský, Ph.D.
PSP selection 224-0220/02 MPK Mechanics of Underground Structures CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 224-0272/02 MoGe Modelling in Geotechnics CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0500/02 IS Municipal Engineering CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Zbyněk Proske, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0603/02 CEN Prices and Caculation in Construction CrEx 2+3 5 Czech, English Ing. Stanislav Endel, Ph.D.
PSP selection 226-0503/02 OP Protection and Restoration of Historical Objects Ex 2+0 4 Czech, English Ing. arch. Ivona Dlábiková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 223-0080/02 TCB Technology of Concrete and Binders CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English doc. Ing. Vlastimil Bílek, Ph.D.
PSP selection 227-0401/02 DS Traffic Structures CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Václav Škvain
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0201/02 ZSK Actions on Building Structures GC 0+2 3 Czech, English doc. Ing. Vít Křivý, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 222-0601/02 BIMFM BIM in Facility Management CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Eva Wernerová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 223-0111/02 BM Brownfield management CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Tereza Majstríková, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 223-0077/02 CHSH Chemistry and Building materials CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Vlastimil Bílek, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0203/02 BaZK Concrete and Masonry Structures CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Pavlína Matečková, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0202/02 PBK Concrete Structures Elements CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English doc. Ing. David Pustka, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 222-0413/02 SZVO Constructions for Water Supply and Sewerage Systems GC 0+4 5 Czech, English Ing. Zbyněk Proske, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0206/02 VMK Constructions of Bridge Structures CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Miroslav Rosmanit, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 222-0504/02 TPS Creation of Seats Enviroment GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Ing. arch. Dagmar Kutá, Ph.D. Paed.IGIP
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0003/02 CJ a/I Czech Language for Foreigners a/I - mobility - exchange programmes GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Karolina Slamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0204/02 PODK Elements of Steel and Timber Structures CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Kristýna Vavrušová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 224-0267/02 GM Geotechnical monitoring CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Martin Stolárik, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 222-0611/02 INFS Information systems GC 0+2 3 Czech, English Ing. Martin Ferko, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 230-2302/01 Math 2 Mathematics 2 CrEx 2+2 5 English RNDr. Petr Volný, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 223-0109/02 QMM Quality management methods GC 1+3 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jana Boháčová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 224-0060/02 MHZ Rock and Soil Mechanics CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English doc. Ing. Karel Vojtasík, CSc.
PSP selection PSP selection 221-0205/02 ODK Steel and Timber Structures CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Miroslav Rosmanit, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 222-0400/02 TPS Typology of buildings GC 2+0 3 Czech, English Ing. Zbyněk Proske, Ph.D.
PSP selection 229-0107/02 AaDO Acoustics and Daylighting CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Iveta Skotnicová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 223-0102/02 ADM Analytical and diagnostic measurements in the building industry GC 1+3 5 Czech, English Ing. Tereza Majstríková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 226-0510/02 AA2 Architectural Design 2 GC 0+10 10 Czech, English Ing. arch. Lenka Volná
PSP selection 226-0411/02 AT2 Architectural Design Studio 2 GC 0+8 8 Czech, English Ing. arch. Ing. Daniel Vaněk, Ph.D.
PSP selection 226-0426/02 ANS Architecture of Low-energy Buildings Ex 2+0 3 Czech, English Ing. Petr Šiřina
PSP selection 221-0208/02 MKPB BIM Modelling of Constructions GC 0+2 3 Czech, English doc. Ing. Vít Křivý, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0508/02 REG Brownfield´s regeneration CrEx 0+3 3 Czech, English doc. Ing. Barbara Vojvodíková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0305/02 PPS2 Building and Industry Construction II. CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Nikola Vavřínová
PSP selection 225-0202/02 PS2 Building Constructions II. CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Jiří Teslík, Ph.D.
PSP selection 229-0102/02 PSt Building Environment CrEx 3+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Iveta Skotnicová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 205-0702/02 IMB Building Information Model GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Lenka Jurčíková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0204/02 ZB Buildings Roofing CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Nikola Vavřínová
PSP selection 226-0404/02 NOS1 Building Typology 1 CrEx 2+1 4 Czech, English Doc. Ing. arch. Eva Špačková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 712-0004/02 CJ a/II Czech Language for Foreigners a/II - mobility - exchange programmes GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Karolina Slamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0404/02 EKS Economy in construction processes GC 2+0 2 Czech, English Ing. Martin Ferko, Ph.D.
PSP selection 223-0097/02 EIA Environmental Impact Assessment CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jana Boháčová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0230/04 ZSM Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics CrEx 2+3 6 Czech, English Ing. Ivan Kološ, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0313/02 PV Probability computations in civil engineering CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Martin Krejsa, Ph.D.
PSP selection 225-0306/02 SPEB Software support for the energy performance of buildings GC 0+4 4 Czech, English Ing. Kateřina Kubenková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 228-0231/02 SM Structural mechanics CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Marie Horňáková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0409/02 URM Sustainable urban development CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Stanislav Endel, Ph.D.
PSP selection 222-0402/02 TI Technical Infrastructure GC 2+0 2 Czech, English Ing. Zbyněk Proske, Ph.D.
PSP selection 227-0404/02 DI Traffic Engineering GC 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Václav Škvain
PSP selection 224-0229/02 P&GS Underground and Geotechnical Constructions Ex 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Karel Vojtasík, CSc.

List of study plans where block is included
Ac. yearTitleFacultyProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.FormTut. centre