Study block – FMT

Academic year2025/2026Form of studyFull-time
Language of instructionEnglishType of obligations for subjects in blockOptional
Block ownerFaculty of Materials Science and Technology - Dean's Office
Intended for the facultiesFaculty of Materials Science and TechnologyIntended for study programme
Intended for consultation centresOstravaIntended for field of study
Intended for study typesIntended for study specialization
Subjects included in block
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguageSubject guarantor (contact person)
PSP selection 653-3002/03 PgM Advanced Materials CrEx 3+3 6 Czech, English doc. Dr. Ing. Monika Losertová
PSP selection 652-2004/02 Z3DMMP Basics of 3D modelling of metallurgical processes CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Josef Walek, Ph.D.
PSP selection 639-3021/01 ZMS Foundations of Mathematical Statistics CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Filip Tošenovský, Ph.D.
PSP selection 651-2201/02 FCH Physical Chemistry CrEx 3+4 8 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jana Dobrovská, CSc.
PSP selection 632-3301/02 PM Powder Metallurgy CrEx 3+2 6 Czech, English doc. Ing. Kateřina Skotnicová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 635-3031/02 TPPP Thermal processes in industrial furnaces CrEx 3+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Mario Machů, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 635-2003/02 KerMat Ceramic materials CrEx 3+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jozef Vlček, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0003/02 CJ a/I Czech Language for Foreigners a/I - mobility - exchange programmes GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Karolina Slamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 652-3001/01 DefChov Deformation behaviour of materials CrEx 3+2 6 Czech, English Ing. Petr Opěla, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 635-3013/02 IDCHF Identification of chemical and phase composition CrEx 3+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jozef Vlček, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 654-3318/02 IKT Information and communication technology CrEx 2+3 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Robert Frischer, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 654-2002/02 PoM Management of Enterprise CrEx 2+2 6 Czech, English doc. Ing. Šárka Vilamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 654-3016/02 MEPP Managerial Economics of an Industrial Enterprise CrEx 3+3 6 Czech, English prof. Ing. Kamila Janovská, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 654-3010/02 MUI Methods of Artificial Intelligence CrEx 3+2 6 Czech, English Ing. Ondřej Grycz, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 651-3028/02 MSFAN Methods of structural and phase analysis of nanomaterials CrEx 2+1 4 Czech, English prof. Ing. Vlastimil Matějka, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 651-2062/02 NZT Nanomaterials and the environment Ex 2+0 3 Czech, English Prof. Mgr. Jana Kukutschová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 632-3016/02 CCP Practicum of CAD/CAM systems Ex 0+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Michal Weisz, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 632-3007/03 KM Structural modeling Ex 0+2 6 Czech, English MgA. Petr Sehnoutka, DiS.
PSP selection PSP selection 651-2022/02 NsO Waste Treatment CrEx 2+1 4 Czech, English Ing. Jiří Fiedor, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 651-3034/02 OV Water Protection CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Eva Szotkowská Lacková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 651-3016/02 VKFCH Advanced Physical Chemistry CrEx 3+3 7 Czech, English prof. Ing. Bedřich Smetana, Ph.D.
PSP selection 651-2004/02 ZACh Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry CrEx 2+3 4 Czech, English doc. Mgr. Lucie Bartoňová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 653-2002/01 NOM Materials Science CrEx 3+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Petra Váňová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 639-3004/04 PK II Quality Planning II CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jiří Plura, CSc.
PSP selection 652-0005/01 MetOce Steel Metallurgy Ex 2+0 6 Czech, English doc. Ing. Silvie Brožová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 653-2204/02 MSSn Techniques of Structure Characterization CrEx 3+3 6 Czech, English prof. Ing. Vlastimil Vodárek, CSc.

Exchange students who want to apply for our Agricola scholarship need at least 25 credits per semester.

List of study plans where block is included
Ac. yearTitleFacultyProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.FormTut. centre