Study block – ECTS - FMG

Academic year2021/2022Form of studyFull-time
Language of instructionEnglishType of obligations for subjects in blockOptional
Block ownerStudy Office
Intended for the facultiesFaculty of Mining and GeologyIntended for study programme
Intended for consultation centresIntended for field of study
Intended for study typesIntended for study specialization
Subjects included in block
WSCodeAbbreviationTitleYearEndingInstruction extentCreditsLanguageSubject guarantor (contact person)
PSP selection 541-0005/04 UGF Applied Geophysics CrEx 3+2 6 Czech, English doc. RNDr. Lubomil Pospíšil, CSc.
PSP selection 545-0154/02 ASSP Applied statistics in mineral resources and mining industry CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English RNDr. Radmila Sousedíková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0126/02 ABR Architecture for Brownfields CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. arch. Aleš Student, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0073/02 ZHY Basics of Hydrology CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English RNDr. Jana Nováková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0296/08 ZH Basics of mining CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Václav Zubíček, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0157/02 BVZ Brownfields and their impact on public health Cr 0+2 2 Czech, English doc. Mgr. Kristina Čabanová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 548-0074/02 PAGIT Computational Aspects of Geoinformation Technologies CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Petr Rapant, CSc.
PSP selection 548-0071/05 DMR Digital Terrain Models CrEx 1+2 4 Czech, English Ing. Kateřina Růžičková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 545-0339/16 EkPod Economics of Enterprise CrEx 3+3 7 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jaroslav Dvořáček, CSc.
PSP selection 541-0009/08 IG Engineering Geology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Marian Marschalko, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0516/03 OEK General Ecology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jiří Kupka, Ph.D.
PSP selection 544-0004/21 G Geodesy CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Hana Staňková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0099/08 GE Geo-ecology Ex 2+0 3 Czech, English prof. Ing. Helena Raclavská, CSc.
PSP selection 541-0580/06 GE Geothermal Energy CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Antonín Kunz, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0843/03 PTZP Industrial Technologies and Their Impact on Environment CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English prof. Ing. Vladimír Lapčík, CSc.
PSP selection 542-0507/02 LO Laboratory of Bulk Solids Cr 0+2 2 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jan Nečas, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0329/06 MR Management of Risks CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Jaroslava Koudelková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0437/06 MB I Mineral Biotechnology I CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Iva Janáková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0011/05 M Mineralogy CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jiří Mališ, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0586/04 TU Oil and Gas Exploitation CrEx 3+2 6 Czech, English doc. Ing. Martin Klempa, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0087/06 LDL Opencast Mining of Deposits CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English, Spanish Ing. Martin Hummel, Ph.D.
PSP selection 548-0093/01 KMG Quantitative methods in geography CrEx 2+2 5 English prof. Ing. Igor Ivan, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0837/03 RRB Regeneration and Reclamation of Brownfields CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Barbara Stalmachová, CSc.
PSP selection 548-0004/09 DPZ Remote Sensing CrEx 28 H/S+28 H/S 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jiří Horák, Dr.
PSP selection 542-0208/16 MHZ Rock and Soil Mechanics CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jindřich Šancer, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0074/07 S Sedimentology CrEx 2+1 3 Czech, English prof. Ing. Petr Skupien, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 712-0003/02 CJ a/I Czech Language for Foreigners a/I - mobility - exchange programmes GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Karolina Slamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 545-0067/03 ZMNG Essentials of Management CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Michal Vaněk, Ph.D.
PSP selection PSP selection 548-0057/04 ZGIF Introduction to Geoinformatics CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Petr Rapant, CSc.
PSP selection PSP selection 545-0220/08 UPEU Introduction to the European Union Affairs GC 3+0 4 Czech, English Ing. Igor Černý, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0134/02 ZS Basic of Sewerage CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Vojtěch Václavík, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0024/04 KvP Coaching Ex 0+2 3 Czech, English Mgr. Alena Kašpárková, Ph.D., M.A.
PSP selection 712-0004/02 CJ a/II Czech Language for Foreigners a/II - mobility - exchange programmes GC 0+2 2 Czech, English Mgr. Karolina Slamová, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0489/06 VPHV Drilling Exploration and Rotary Drilling CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Martin Klempa, Ph.D.
PSP selection 545-0276/05 PaSP Forecasting and the Enterprise Strategy CrEx 2+1 4 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jaroslav Dvořáček, CSc.
PSP selection 541-0025/10 VG Geology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Michal Matloch Porzer, Ph.D.
PSP selection 548-0048/04 GNPS Global Navigation and Positioning Systems CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Michal Kačmařík, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0816/05 HK Hydrology and climatology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English RNDr. Jana Nováková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0335/06 IMA I Instrumental Methods of Analysis I Cr 1+4 5 Czech, English doc. Mgr. Eva Pertile, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0334/03 VDPD Mine and Subsurface Ventilation CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Pavel Zapletal, Ph.D.
PSP selection 544-0003/05 DM Mine Surveying CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Jitka Mučková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0261/09 HŽP Mining and the Environment CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Martin Hummel, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0015/05 PG Petrography CrEx 2+4 8 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jiří Mališ, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0046/02 PPV Projekt and Production Planning CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Václav Zubíček, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0710/08 SSSS Slope and Rock Wall Stability CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Jindřich Šancer, Ph.D.
PSP selection 548-0062/05 PPDW Spatial Data Publishing on WWW CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English Ing. Pavel Kukuliač, Ph.D.
PSP selection 541-0498/04 SIG Special Engineering Geology CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Marian Marschalko, Ph.D.
PSP selection 548-0068/02 TK Thematic Cartography CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English prof. Ing. Igor Ivan, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0356/04 ToxŠŽP Toxicology and Harmful Pollutants in the Environment Ex 2+0 3 Czech, English doc. Mgr. Eva Pertile, Ph.D.
PSP selection 542-0052/03 DDL Transportation at Mines and Quarries GC 2+1 3 Czech, English prof. Ing. Jan Nečas, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0514/03 OH Waste Management CrEx 2+2 5 Czech, English doc. Ing. Iva Janáková, Ph.D.
PSP selection 546-0083/02 UPV Water Treatment CrEx 2+2 4 Czech, English prof. Dr. Ing. Miroslav Kyncl

List of study plans where block is included
Ac. yearTitleFacultyProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.FormTut. centre