229-0103/02 – Building Service-Systems (TZB)
Gurantor department | Department of Building Environment and Building Services | Credits | 5 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Petra Tymová, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Zdeněk Galda, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | | |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2019/2020 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FAST | Intended for study types | Bachelor |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Students will acquire knowledge and skills throughout the field of technical building equipment. Gets clear information about how the internal wiring installation in buildings - water, sewer, gas and plumbing units (health technology.
Teaching methods
The subject provides more comprehensive information on the climate of cities, settlements and buildings, hydraulic pipeline. It also deals with the calculation of internal sewerage, internal gas pipeline, and design of installation units, heat sharing, indoor climate of buildings, home heating sources, air conditioning, ventilation and air conditioning. The course deepens the knowledge about energy performance of buildings and introduces new technologies (use of non-traditional energy sources).
Compulsory literature:
Houšková M., Jelínek V.: TZB I – zdravotní technik, ČVUT Praha, 1996.
Vandas, M. a kol.: Technická zařízení budov, Verglas Praha, 2001.
Cihlář, J.: TZB, VUT Brno.
Šoch, J.: TZB, VŠB, 2001.
Valášek, J.: Zdravotnotechnické inštalácie, Alfa Bratislava, 1990.
Česká společnost pro techniku prostředí, www.tzb-info.cz
Technická pravidla GAS Odběrná plynová zařízení, GAS Praha, 2000.
Journal Topenářství a instalace , CZ, 6 times per year.
Journal Instalatér, CZ, 6 times per year.
David V. Chadderton: Building Servicces Engineering, London , 2007.
Hall, F., Greeno, r.: Building Services Handbook, Oxford, 2011.
Blower, G.J.: Plumbing Mechanical Services, Essex, 2006.
Valid legislation in the field, laws, government orders, public notices, technical standards.
Recommended literature:
Study materials on: http://www.prostredistaveb.vsb.cz/
Canivan, J.: How to Build a Solar Hot Water System, Sunny Future Press, Wantagh, NY, 2004.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Continuously processed projects for individual types of building service-systems TZB equipment.
Other requirements
At least 70% attendance at the exercises. Absence, up to a maximum of 30 %, must be excused and the apology must be accepted by the teacher (the teacher decides to recognize the reason for the excuse).
Tasks assigned on the exercises must be hand in within the dates set by the teacher.
Complete projects in a folder with 4 ears, with design points and calculations that are listed in the technical outline of the web. Repair of the project is not allowed, the possibility of consultation by the deadlines given by the teacher.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1. Introductory lecture. Recommended literature.
2. Climate of cities, settlements and buildings. Pipe Hydraulics.
3. Water supply. Water connection. Internal water supply. Fire water mains.
4. Sewerage. Sewer connection. Internal drains. Typology of hygienic devices
5. Gas pipeline. Gas connections. Internal gas pipeline.
6. Installation units.
7. Heating. Heat sharing. Indoor building climate. Optimization of building microclimate.
8. Heating. Heating systems. Security device. Domestic sources of heating.
9. Ventilation and air conditioning. Natural Air Conditioning Air Conditioning Systems.
10. Electrical wiring. Elevators and moving stairs. Lightning conductors.
11. Artificial and daylight lighting.
12. Electrical protection devices for buildings, structures and pipelines.
13. Information and cybernetic technology. Digitization and sensing of measurements.
14. Ecology and energy savings. Unconventional energy sources. Hysolar technology.
1. Recommended literature and standards.
2. Determination of the environment. Space layout of technical equipment networks.
3. Water supply. Water connection. Water fittings.
4. Water supply. Internal water supply. Calculation of internal water supply. Fire water mains.
5. Sewerage. Sewer connection. Furnishing items.
6. Sewerage. Internal drainage system. Principles of Design and Calculation of Internal Sewerage.
7. Gas pipeline. Gas connection. Gas appliances.
8. Gas pipeline. Internal gas pipeline. Designing principles and internal computation gas pipeline.
9. Heating. Calculation of heat losses of the building mechanically and with PC.
10. Heating. Heating radiators, types. Floor heating. Heating of halls.
11. Heating. Drawing heating equipment into drawing documentation according to ČSN.
12. Heating. Design of heating system. Boiler room design. Wiring diagram, expansion equipment, regulation
13. Ventilation and air conditioning. Fan types, calculation of air exchange in soc. according to the hygiene regulations.
14. Ventilation and air conditioning. Ventilation systems. Design of a small air system.
15. Project evaluation.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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