030-0926/02 – Protection of water management infrastructure (OVIF)
Gurantor department | Department of Fire Protection | Credits | 10 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Ing. Šárka Kročová, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | doc. Ing. Šárka Kročová, Ph.D. |
Study level | postgraduate | Requirement | Choice-compulsory |
Year | | Semester | winter + summer |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2016/2017 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FBI | Intended for study types | Doctoral |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
The study of water management infrastructure protection consists of identifying and analyzing risks for individual operating systems and facilities, reducing the impact of water losses on the activities of state emergency services and solving fire safety of territorial units in water shortages in sources and distribution systems, mathematical modeling of critical points and water lines designed for emergency water supply. Based on the study of these findings and needs, crisis plans of regions and self-governing units can be compiled or revised in practice, highly effective crisis preparedness plans of legal entities can be created and thus significantly increase the level of crisis planning as an integral unit to reduce the negative effects of emergencies.
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
Water supply systems and aquatic ecosystems are clearly among the most vulnerable branches of the state's technical infrastructure. Risk analyzes show that they can be significantly threatened by natural influences and a number of anthropogenic events. Any threat or damage to water management infrastructure always results in lowering housing standards, the emergence of emergency regimes in health services, food production, accommodation services of cities and municipalities, and at the same time a reduction in fire safety in built-up areas.
Compulsory literature:
KROČOVÁ, Š., Miklós, D: Krizová řízení vodárenských procesů v mezních situacích, SPBI Spektrum, Ostrava 2019, ISBN: 978-80-7385-228-3.
KROČOVÁ, Š.: Strategie dodávek pitné vody, SPBI Spektrum, Ostrava 2009, ISBN: 978-80-7385-072-2.
ŠENOVSKÝ, M., ADAMEC, V., ŠENOVSKÝ. P.: Ochrana kritické infrastruktury, SPBI Spektrum, Ostrava, 2007, ISBN: 978-80-7385-025-8
PROCHÁZKOVÁ, D.: Bezpečnost lidského systému, SPBI Spektrum, Ostrava, 2007, ISBN: 978-80-86634-97-5.
Recommended literature:
Chipley, Michael et al, Risk Management Series Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), US Department of Homeland Security, Eigenverlag, Dezember 2003.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Other requirements
Zpracování zadaného tématu, jeho prezentace písemnou a ústní formou.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Předmět metodami rizikové analýzy hodnotí základní druhy rizik ohrožujících vodní ekosystémy využívané pro vodárenství, specifikuje vznikající přírodní rizika a antropogenní nebezpečí působící na zdroje vody a výrobně-technická zařízení vodovodů pro veřejnou potřebu. Na základě výsledků analýz, jejich srovnání s vývojem ve světě a využití nových vědeckých poznatků v daném oboru, seznamuje s možnostmi reálné minimalizace rizik.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
Předmět neobsahuje žádné hodnocení.