050-0922/02 – Territorial Security and Its Management (BUaM)
Gurantor department | Department of Civil Protection | Credits | 10 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Ing. Vilém Adamec, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | doc. Ing. Vilém Adamec, Ph.D. |
Study level | postgraduate | Requirement | Choice-compulsory |
Year | | Semester | winter + summer |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2017/2018 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FBI | Intended for study types | Doctoral |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Předmět je zaměřen na studium subjektů, procesů a dalších náležitosti týkajících se bezpečnosti v území v souvislostech s jeho udržitelným rozvojem. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována problematice ochrany chráněných zájmů v území, tj. osob, infrastruktury a prostředí. Obsahově je daná problematika zaměřena následovně: 1) Společnost a území, které využívá; 2) Územní bezpečnostní systém; 3) Chráněné zájmy společnosti v území; 4) Dopady mimořádných událostí velkého rozsahu na území; 5) Odezva na mimořádné události; 6) Obnova území; 7) Strategické řízení pro plánování a udržitelný rozvoj území; 8) Systémy pro podporu; 9) Vývojové trendy v řešení bezpečnosti v území.
Teaching methods
Other activities
The course is focused on the study of subjects, processes and other essentials concerning the security of a territory in connection with its sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the problems of protection of protected interests in the territory, i.e. people, infrastructure and environment. As for the content, the course is focused as follows: 1) Society and the territory used by it; 2) Territorial security system; 3) Protected interests of the society in the territory; 4) Impacts of large-scale extraordinary events on the territory; 5) Response to extraordinary events; 6) Territory recovery; 7) Strategic management for planning and sustainable development of the territory; 8) Systems for support; 9) Developmental trends in dealing with security in the territory.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Other requirements
The doctoral subject can not specify further requirements. This is a specific topic of the student's dissertation.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
The course is focused on the study of subjects, processes and other essentials concerning the security of a territory in connection with its sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the problems of protection of protected interests in the territory, i.e. people, infrastructure and environment. As for the content, the course is focused as follows: 1) Society and the territory used by it; 2) Territorial security system; 3) Protected interests of the society in the territory; 4) Impacts of large-scale extraordinary events on the territory; 5) Response to extraordinary events; 6) Territory recovery; 7) Strategic management for planning and sustainable development of the territory; 8) Systems for support; 9) Developmental trends in dealing with security in the territory.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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