116-0708/03 – Marketing Management (.)
Garantující katedra | Katedra marketingu a obchodu | Kredity | 8 |
Garant předmětu | doc. Ing. Vojtěch Spáčil, CSc. | Garant verze předmětu | doc. Ing. Vojtěch Spáčil, CSc. |
Úroveň studia | pregraduální nebo graduální | Povinnost | povinný |
Ročník | 2 | Semestr | zimní |
| | Jazyk výuky | čeština |
Rok zavedení | 2006/2007 | Rok zrušení | 2009/2010 |
Určeno pro fakulty | EKF | Určeno pro typy studia | navazující magisterské |
Cíle předmětu vyjádřené dosaženými dovednostmi a kompetencemi
Vyučovací metody
Předmět charakterizuje obsah marketingového řízení a specifikuje obsah práce marketera. V rámci předmětu je specifikován obsah situační analýzy v členění na vnitřní a vnější analýzu. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována zejména analýze konkurence a analýze zákazníka. Na situační analýzu navazuje vymezení strategických alternativ z hlediska členění na ofenzivní a defenzivní. Marketingové strategie jsou rozpracovány v rámci jednotlivých programů marketingového mixu. Předmět se rovněž zaměřuje na vysvětlení způsobu organizace marketingových činností a vymezení tvorby marketingového plánu.
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Osnova předmětu
Module Content :1.The Scope of Marketing ManagementBasic steps of Marketing
Management. Conduct a situation analysis. Establishing objectives. Developing
strategies and programs. Provide coordination and control.2.Internal
AnalysisInternal analysis. ABC analysis. Portfolio analysis. SWOT analysis.
Characteristics of marketing audit. The elements of marketing audit. Audit of
marketing environment. Audit of marketing strategy. Audit of marketing
organization. Audit of marketing systems. Audit of marketing productivity.
Audit of marketing function.3.Market AnalysisDefinition of basic terms. The
relevant market. Primary Demand. Selective Demand. Market segment. Target
segment. Market analysis process. Definition of the relevant market. Primary
demand analysis of the relevant market. Selective demand analysis of the
relevant market. The definition of market segments. The identification of
potential market segments. The definition of the relevant market. The
of primary demand. The analysis of selective demand. The definition of market
segments. Identification of potential target segments. 4.The Market
MeasurementThe measurement of market indicators. The basic market indicators.
Absolute market potential. Relative market potential. Basic types of sales
forecasts. Basic forecasting approaches. Basic market indicators. Actual
sales. Market potential. Market forecast. Actual company sales. Company sales
potential. Sales forecasts.5.Customer AnalysisModel of buying behaviour. The
decision process. Types of buying decision behaviour. Routine response
behaviour. Limited problem solving. Extensive problem solving. 6.Competitive
AnalysisIdentifying direct competitors. Perceptual mapping techniques. Factor
analysis. Multidimensional scaling. Assessing competitive dynamics. Assessing
the intensity of competition. Assessing competitive advantage. Positional
Advantages. Sources of advantage. Competitive audit. Criteria of audit -
structure of customers, products, advertising efficiency, advertising budget,
distribution coverage, price index.7.Retailer AnalysisThe types of sales
outlets and their importance for filling of strategic company goals. The
retailer analysis from producer view - quantitative analysis, qualitative
analysis. The retailer analysis from competitor view. 8.Company
StrategyStructure of strategy planning. Mission and objective definition.
Identification of SBU. Company strategy. Generic competitive strategies.
Functional strategy (financial, marketing, personal). Ansoff strategies.
Penetration. Product development. Market development.
Diversification.9.Marketing StrategiesPrimary - demand strategies. Strategies
for increasing the number of users. Strategies for increasing rates of
purchase. Retention strategies. Acquisition strategies. Product strategies.
Strategies for substitutes. Strategies for complementary products. Marketing
mix strategies. Strategies of the best quality brands. Strategies of the
average quality brands. Strategies for the economical brands. Market targeting
strategies. Undifferentiated marketing. Differentiated marketing. Concentrated
marketing. Strategies for the international markets. Export marketing.
International marketing. Global marketing.Push strategy. Pull
strategy.10.Marketing ProgramsProduct development programs. Types of new
products. New product development process. Concept generation. Concept
Screening. Technical feasibility. Product - use testing. Market testing.
Financial evaluation. Launch. Product line decisions. Brand decisions. Types
pricing programs. Penetration programs. Parity pricing. Premium pricing.
Pricing programs for a line of substitutes. Price elements of other marketing
programs. Sales promotion programs. Advertising programs. Advertising
objectives. Types of advertising objectives. The budgeting process. The steps
of budgeting process. Sales-Promotion Programs. Objectives directed at final
buyers. Trade promotion objectives. 11.Developing Marketing Plan Developing a
marketing plan. Advantages of marketing planning. Content of marketing plan.
Control of marketing plan.12.Organizing Marketing ActivitiesBasic terms of
organizational process. Institutional and instrumental organizations.
Organizing. Organizational structure. Management tasks. Constitution of
marketing department. Organizational matrix. Managing. Delegation.
Coordination. Control. Types of organizational structures. Managing external
relationship. Managing internal relationship.
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