151-0801/04 – Mathematics A (MA Cžv)
Gurantor department | Department of Mathematical Methods in Economics | Credits | 4 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Orlando Arencibia Montero, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | RNDr. Danuše Bauerová, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 1 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2005/2006 | Year of cancellation | 2009/2010 |
Intended for the faculties | EKF | Intended for study types | |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
• Define the function of one variable.
• Find the domain and range and basic properties.
• Draw graphs of elementary functions.
• Compute limits and derivates of functions.
• Find the properties of no elementary functions a draw theirs graphs.
• Obtain easier imagine about economic functions.
• Order knowledge about vectors in the plain.
• Identify the types of matrices.
• Solve the system of linear equations.
• Express economic dependences using a mathematical function.
• Explain the slope of a function.
• Restate the terms “concavity” and “convexity” into the “degressive” and “progressive”.
• Generalise the functions on the dependences in the real live.
• Express knowledge of vectors to the space.
• Relate economic and mathematical functions.
• Discover the tools suitable for describing of dependences in economics and other sciences.
• Develop the technique of graphs drawing.
• Apply knowledge of linear algebra in economics, e.g. traffic problems, structural analysis.
• Solve basic problems of linear programming.
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
Other activities
Taught in Czech only. It contains the following topics:
1. Linear algebra – Euclidean space, matrices, determinant.
2. Linear algebra – the inverse of the matrix, linear equations.
3. Functions of one real variable – definition, properties, graphs, inverse
4. The limit of function – properties of limits, limits to infinity, one sided
limits, definition of continuit, sequences, limits
of sequences.
5. An introduction to the derivation – slope of a tangent line at a point,
6. Higher order derivations, l´Hospital´s rule.
7. Additional applications of derivation.
Compulsory literature:
[4] Hoy M., Livernois J., McKenna Ch., Rees R., Stengos T. Mathematics for Economics. The MIT Press, London, 2011.
[5] Tan T.S. Calculus: Early Transcendentals. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, Belmont, 2011.
Recommended literature:
[4] Larson R., Falvo C.D. Elementary Linear Algebra. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, New York, 2008.
[5] Luderer B., Nollau V., Vetters K. Mathematical Formulas for Economists. Springer Verlag, third edition, 2007.
[6] Simon C.P., Blume L. Mathematics for Economists. W.W. Norton & Company, New York-London, 2005.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Other requirements
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Obsah studia. Organizace studia. Podpora studujících a jejich povinnosti.
Studium v řídícím systému Moodle.
Euklidovský prostor, vektory, lineární závislost a nezávislost vektorů, lineární
kombinace vektorů, matice, operace s maticemi, hodnost matice, determinanty.
Inverzní matice, maticové rovnice, soustavy lineárních rovnic, Gaussova
eliminační metoda.
Definice, základní pojmy, definiční obor, obor hodnot, graf funkce, vlastnosti
funkcí: funkce monotónní, omezená, sudá, lichá, periodická, prostá, složená,
elementární funkce.
Inverzní funkce, základní vlastnosti, grafy, cyklometrické funkce.
Limita funkce, pravidla pro výpočet limit, nevlastní limita, jednostranné
limity, spojitost funkce, posloupnosti, limita posloupnosti.
Derivace funkce, geometrický a obecný význam derivace, pravidla derivování,
derivace vyšších řádů, diferenciál, rovnice tečny a normály, L’Hospitalovo
Extrémy funkce, intervaly monotónnosti, inflexní body, konvexnost, konkávnost,
asymptoty grafu funkce, lokální extrémy. Jednoduché ekonomické aplikace.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
Předmět neobsahuje žádné hodnocení.