156-0581/01 – Aplikovaná hospodářská politika (AHP)
Garantující katedra | Katedra národohospodářská | Kredity | 4 |
Garant předmětu | prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc. | Garant verze předmětu | prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc. |
Úroveň studia | pregraduální nebo graduální | Povinnost | povinně volitelný typu B |
Ročník | 2 | Semestr | zimní |
| | Jazyk výuky | angličtina |
Rok zavedení | 2019/2020 | Rok zrušení | 2020/2021 |
Určeno pro fakulty | EKF | Určeno pro typy studia | navazující magisterské |
Cíle předmětu vyjádřené dosaženými dovednostmi a kompetencemi
The subject will focus on applications of theories of economic policy. Following an initial review of theoretical approaches to economic policy, the course assesses individual country cases. Besides the traditional concepts of economic policy, one will cover issues arising from recent developments, including experiences of industrial countries and policy measures implemented in response to the 2008 economic crisis.
Vyučovací metody
Cvičení (v učebně)
Povinná literatura:
Doporučená literatura:
Další studijní materiály
Forma způsobu ověření studijních výsledků a další požadavky na studenta
156-0581/01 Applied Economic Policy
Studijní opory TpB:
Další požadavky na studenta
There are no more student requirements.
Předmět nemá žádné prerekvizity.
Předmět nemá žádné korekvizity.
Osnova předmětu
1. Introduction to economic policy - establishment, institutions, goals, tools
2. Theoretical approaches to economic policy
3. Keynesian economic policy - characteristics, its practical realization mainly in Great Britain, continental Europe and USA.
4. Monetarism and supply side theory - characteristics, their practical implementation on the example of Great Britain and the USA
5. Indicative planning and welfare states - characteristics, practical application on example of France, Japan and Scandinavian countries
6. Centrally planned economies - characteristics, practical application in the world
7. Economic policy of China, Russia and Eastern Europe from the end of the 20th century to the present - transformation of economies and economic policies
8. Economic policy of China, Russia and Eastern Europe from the end of the 20th century to the present - transformation of economies and economic policies - continuation
9. Economic policy of developing countries: India, Africa, Near and Middle East
10. Economic policy of South American countries, frequent alternation of left-wing and right-wing economic policies and their impact on the economy of the countries
11. New economic policy directions applied in developed countries by the end of the 20th century to the economic crisis in 2008
12. New economic policy directions applied in developed countries towards the end of the 20th century until the economic crisis of 2008 - continued
13. Current economic policy in the world after the economic crisis of 2008 - changes in the economic policy of the EU (the Czech Republic) and the USA
14. Current economic policy in the world after the economic crisis of 2008 - changes in economic policy of China and India; changes in the global solution of developing countries' economic policies
Podmínky absolvování předmětu
Výskyt ve studijních plánech
Výskyt ve speciálních blocích
Hodnocení Výuky
Předmět neobsahuje žádné hodnocení.