229-0265/02 – Ventilation and air conditioning II (VaK II)
Gurantor department | Department of Building Environment and Building Services | Credits | 3 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Zdeněk Galda, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Zdeněk Galda, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 1 | Semester | summer |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2013/2014 | Year of cancellation | 2020/2021 |
Intended for the faculties | FAST | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Terms and design of the specialized air-conditioning systems. Cooling air systems. Semestral project.
Teaching methods
The course follows up and expands knowledge of Ventilation and Air-conditioning I. The course is devoted to large hall objects in terms of civil construction, sports, production and special applications in the design of air-conditioning. Students will learn the theory of cooling circuits, the basic principles of ventilation and cooling buildings, as well as with various cooling systems, refrigerants and heat transfer agents. The emphasis is on economic and energy issues of the proposal itself refrigeration equipment and co-designed with the object in terms of microclimate.
• Psychrometrics;
• Theory of cooling circuits;
• Heat balance for the cooling of buildings;
• Exhaust systems heat and pollution, technological operations;
• Ventilation of boiler-rooms;
• Refrigerants, their properties, and the current requirements for them. Heat transfer substances, environmental protection, legislation;
• Space cooling, airflow, civic buildings;
• Ventilation of swimming-pools and wet areas;
• Ventilation of clean rooms, filtration;
• Parts of the system - water cooled chillers, cooling towers;
• Principles of design cooling machine-rooms;
• Energy balance of ventilation systems;
• Alternative methods of mechanical cooling - Passive cooling, night cooling, free cooling, ground exchanger;
• Operational requirements, maintenance and operation of HVAC equipment.
Compulsory literature:
European Standards, ISO Standards, Eurovent, Czech Standards
ASHREA Handbook Fundamentals, Atlanta : ASHRAE, 2009.
ASHREA Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipments, Atlanta : ASHRAE, 2008.
Recommended literature:
REHVA Guidebooks. Chilled Beam Aplication Guidebook No. 5. Brussels : REHVA, 2010.
REHVA Guidebooks. Low Temeperature Heating and High Temperature Cooling No. 7. Brussels : REHVA, 2010.
ASHREA Handbook. HVAC Aplications, Atlanta : ASHRAE, 2011.
ASHREA Handbook. Refrigeration, Atlanta : ASHRAE, 2010.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Control days in the semester.
No e-learnig available.
Other requirements
At least 70% attendance at the exercises. Absence, up to a maximum of 30 %, must be excused and the apology must be accepted by the teacher (the teacher decides to recognize the reason for the excuse).
Tasks assigned on the exercises must be hand in within the dates set by the teacher.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Subject continuously builds and expands on the knowledge of the subject Ventilation and Air Conditioning I., it is dedicated to the big box objects in terms of civil construction, sport, production and special applications in the design of air conditioning. Students will learn the theory of cooling cycles, the principles of ventilation and cooling of buildings, as well as with different cooling systems, refrigerants and heat transfer agents. The emphasis is on economic and energy issues of the proposal itself refrigeration equipment and interaction with the object solved in terms of microclimate.
• Psychrometriy;
• Theory of cooling circuits;
• Heat balance for the cooling of buildings;
• Exhaust systems heat, pollution, technological operations;
• Ventilation boiler-rooms;
• Refrigerants, their properties and the current demands on them. Heat transfer material, environmental protection, legislation;
• Space cooling, airflow, civic buildings;
• Ventilation swimming-pools and wet areas;
• Ventilation clean-room filtration;
• Parts of the system - a source of cold water-cooled cooling towers;
• Principles of design of engine cooling;
• Energy balance of HVAC systems;
• Alternative methods of mechanical cooling - Passive cooling, night cooling, free cooling, natural heat;
• Operational requirements, maintenance and servicing of air conditioning equipment.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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