330-7015/01 – Art History 2 (DU2)
Gurantor department | Department of Applied Mechanics | Credits | 2 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Olga Badalíková, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | doc. Olga Badalíková, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 2 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2019/2020 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FS | Intended for study types | Bachelor |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
At the end of the course students should be able to:
• to understand the dynamics of changes in the visual arts of the first half of the 20th century in connection with historical, philosophical / ideological /, social and civilization facts
• be aware of the roots and sources of the art of European modernism in the 19th century art culture
• Name and characterize the specifics of individual artistic movements, movements, currents of the period under review
• perceive and be able to clarify the specific features of the creation of the most important representatives of the individual directions, movements, etc.
• perceive the diversity of artistic expression and recognize the dominant means of expression of individual directions, movements or creators
• take an informed, critical attitude towards the artistic, expressive, functional, material and technological values of key artifacts
• to understand the specificity of the changes in Czech fine art against the backdrop of the Euro-American space scene
• demonstrate the ability to work with an autopsy work by studying current exhibitions at the Olomouc Museum of Art and Caesar Gallery
Teaching methods
On the background of spiritual, historical and social characteristics of the late 19th and 20th centuries, the history of fine arts of the first half of the 2nd century follows the beginnings and circumstances of the formation of modern art expressions in the field of architecture, painting, sculpture and applied art. They follow the styles, directions, movements and their prominent representatives in the broader Euro-American context, incorporating artistic creation in our countries.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
TURNER, Jane (ed.) The Dictionary of Art. London: MacMillan; New York: Grove, 1996.
ISBN: 9780195170689
FOSTER, Hal et al. Umění po roce 1900. Praha: Slovart, 2007.
ISBN 978-80-7209-952-8.
České moderní umění 1900 -1960 (katalog Národní galerie). Praha: Národní galerie, 1995.
ISBN 80-7035-095-4.
LAMAČ, Miroslav. Osma a Skupina výtvarných umělců 1907-1917. Praha: 1988.
RAEBURN, Michael et al. Dějiny architektury. Praha: Odeon, 1993.
ISBN 80-207-0185-0.
LYNTON, Norbert. Umění 19. a 20. století, Praha: Artia, 1981.
HUYGHE, René. Encyklopedie umění nové doby 4. Praha: Odeon, 1974. Umění a lidstvo. Larousse. Světové dějiny, sv. 52.
HOLLINGSWORTH, Mary. Architektura 20. století. Bratislava: Columbus, 1993.
ISBN 80-7136-035-X.
DE MICHELI, Mario. Umělecké avantgardy dvacátého století. Praha: 1962.
BYDŽOVSKÁ, Lenka – SRP, Karel (eds.). Český surrealismus 1929–1953. Praha: Argo: Galerie hlavního města Prahy, 1996.
ISBN 80-7010-047-8 (Galerie hlavního města Prahy), 80-7203-011-6 (Argo).
LAMAČ, Miroslav. Myšlenky moderních malířů (Od Cézanna po Dalího). Praha: Odeon, 1989.
ISBN 80-207-0087-0.
ŠVÁCHA, Rostislav – MALÝ, Jan. Lomené, hranaté a obloukové tvary. Česká kubistická architektura 1911–1923. Praha: Gallery, 2000.
CHALUPECKÝ, Jindřich. Nové umění v Čechách. Praha: H&H, 1995.
MC LUHAN, Marshall. Jak rozumět médiím: Extenze člověka. Praha: Odeon, 1991.
ISBN 80-207-0296-2.
NEŠLEHOVÁ, Mahulena. Český informel. Průkopníci abstrakce z let 1957-1964. Praha: [Galerie hlavního města Prahy], 1991.
WELSCH, Wolfgang. Naše postmoderní moderna. Praha: Zvon, 1994.
ISBN 80-7113-104-0.
VÁGNER, Ivan. Svět postmoderních her. Jinočany: H&H, 1995.
ISBN 80-85787-75-X.
PIJOAN, José. Dějiny umění 9. Praha: Odeon, 1983.
PIJOAN, José. Dějiny umění 10. Praha: Odeon, 1984.
LUCIE-SMITH, Edward. ARTODAY. Praha: Slovart, 1996.
ISBN 80-85871-97-1.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Written and oral form of examination
Other requirements
Minimum 80% attendance at seminars.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1. Architecture in the Art Nouveau period in Europe and in the Czech lands; the architecture of modernism in Europe and the USA; functionalism, constructivism, cubism, expressionism in architecture; creation of the most important world architects in the first half of the 20th century;
2. The development of Czech architecture in the first half of the 20th century;
3-4. The beginnings of modern art and its sources in the 19th century; the importance of impressionism and post-impressionist tendencies for the development of modern art;
5. Symbolism and Art Nouveau in European and Czech Painting and Sculpture;
6-7. Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism and Futurism
8. Abstraction and rationalist tendencies in visual arts in the first half of the 20th century;
9. Russian avant-garde art; Dada and M. Duchamp;
10. Metaphysical painting, surrealism;
11-14. The development of the Czech art in the first half of the 20th century and its European context.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction