337-0306/01 – Statics and Dynamics of Steel Constructions (SDOK)
Gurantor department | Department of Mechanics | Credits | 4 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Jan Szweda, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Jan Szweda, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 2 | Semester | summer |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2002/2003 | Year of cancellation | 2014/2015 |
Intended for the faculties | FS | Intended for study types | Bachelor |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
To characterize the discretization principle of the solved areas in the deformation variant of FEM.
Identify the significance of the shape functions for displacement approximation.
Define the creation of a single element stiffness matrices.
Construct the resulting stiffness matrix of the entire structure from stiffness matrices of the individual elements, the same for vector of loads.
Solve the matrix equation for calculating the natural frequencies and shapes of undamped vibrations.
To illustrate the principle of nonlinear static tasks solution.
Classify the reasons for non-linearities.
Calculate a simple task of linear buckling of a beam.
Teaching methods
Vnitřní statické účinky spojitých nosníků s vloženými klouby a rámových
konstrukcí. Metoda jednotkových sil, výpočet natočení a posuvů staticky
určitého nosníkového prvku. Metoda jednotkových sil, užití pro staticky
neurčité příhradové konstrukce. Princip MKP, matice tuhosti nosníkového prvku,
základní statická rovnice. Matice hmotnosti a výpočty vlastních frekvencí.
Metodika výpočtů ocelových konstrukcí podle normy ČSN 73 1401. Rozbor normy ČSN
73 0035 - zatížení stavebních konstrukcí.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Other requirements
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1. Internal forces of continuous beams with embedded joints and frame structures.
2. Strain of the frame element, reciprocal work theorem, principle of the unit forces method.
3. Calculation of displacement and rotation of statically determinate beams and frames, using tables.
4. Calculation of displacement for a statically determinate truss structure. Influence of
uniform heating of the structure. Notes on statically indeterminate tasks.
5. Origin and principles of FEM. Approximation functions for strain-stress element, derivation of a stiffness matrix. Shape function.
6. Stiffness matrix of a bending element, vector of an equivalent nodal load.
Creating stiffness matrix and vector of loads for the entire structure. Basic
static FEM equation.
7. Hierarchy of planar and spatial elements. Optimization of the width of the band, storage of matrices in computers' memory.
8. Mass matrix of tension-compression and bending. Calculation of natural frequencies. Properties of modal shapes of vibration.
9. Methods for natural frequencies calculation. Linear system response to a continuous excitation function by means of modal shapes expansion.
10. Buckling of structures. Using FEM to calculate the critical forces.
11. Matrix of 'geometrical' stiffness. Notes on non-linear calculations of buckling.
12. Methods of calculations of steel structures according to CSN 73 1401.
13. Rozbor CSN 73 0035 - Reliability and actions on structures.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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