346-0320/03 – Engineering Measurements and Metrology (TMaM)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Machining, Assembly and Engineering MetrologyCredits4
Subject guarantorIng. Lenka Čepová, Ph.D.Subject version guarantorIng. Lenka Čepová, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduateRequirementCompulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction2010/2011Year of cancellation2022/2023
Intended for the facultiesFSIntended for study typesBachelor
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
OCE0002 Ing. Lenka Čepová, Ph.D.
PET30 Ing. Lenka Hřibňáková, Ph.D.
KOW0022 Ing. Filip Kowalovski
KRA49 Ing. Jiří Kratochvíl, Ph.D.
KRU0104 Ing. Jiří Krutilek
LIC0016 Ing. Jiří Lichovník
MIC0206 Ing. Jakub Michalski
MIZ0011 Ing. Ondřej Mizera, Ph.D.
NOV92 prof. Ing.et Ing.Mgr. Jana Petrů, Ph.D.
STE376 Ing. Petr Štefek, MBA
SVE0064 Ing. Jiří Švec
SZK0016 Ing. Pavel Szkandera, Ph.D.
SZO0033 Ing. Tomáš Szotkowski
TIL0009 Ing. Jakub Till, Ph.D.
TRE045 Ing. Antonín Trefil, Ph.D.
VRB10 doc. Ing. Vladimír Vrba, CSc.
ZEL0065 Ing. Jan Zelinka
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 2+2
Part-time Credit and Examination 12+4

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Develop knowledge of the fundamentals of metrology, to meet the basic legal document in the field of Metrology - Metrology Act, as amended by Act No. 119/2000. Develop and apply knowledge from the baseline parameters of machine parts on specific tasks. Statistically evaluate the measured data .- express the uncertainty of measurement, the measurement result.

Teaching methods

Experimental work in labs


The subject belongs to a group of professional courses, which links to articles Mathematics, Technology machining. Students will learn the basic terminology in metrology, fundamental principles of measurement, basics of data processing. Develops in-depth methodology for measuring length, plane angle, surface roughness evaluation, control selected parameters of machine parts. Theoretical findings are verified in practical exercises in the laboratory.

Compulsory literature:

[1] PETŘKOVSKÁ, L.; PETRŮ, J. Engineering Metrology and Assembly. Ostrava : VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2012, p. 57.

Recommended literature:

Anthony, D. M.: Engineering metrology I, II. Pergamon Press G.B., 1986, ISBN 0-80-028683-6. Drake, P. J.:Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook. McGraw-Hill New York, 1999. ISBN 0-07-018131-4. Sydengam, P. H., Thorn R.: Introduction to measurement Science Engineering. London, 1992, ISBN 0-47-192223-4.

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

Paced and defense of the Protocol on the role of measurements within 2 weeks after measuring. Based on the protocol submitted to individual programs and their students are assigned to defend the score Final test.


Veškerá skripta jsou na stránka Katedry obrábění a montáže: www.346.vsb.cz v sekci STUDIJNÍ LITERATURA [1] Tichá, Š.: Strojírenská metrologie část 1, Ostrava : VŠB - TU Ostrava, 2004. http://www.346.vsb.cz/346.vsb.cz/STROJ%C3%8DRENSK%C3%81%20METROLOGIE-1.d%C3%ADl.pdf [2] Tichá, Š.: Návody do cvičení z předmětu Strojírenská metrologie. Ostrava : VŠB - TU Ostrava, 2008. http://www.346.vsb.cz/346.vsb.cz/N%C3%81VODY%20DO%20CVI%C4%8CEN%C3%8D%20Z%20P%C5%98EDM%C4%9ATU%20stroj%C3%ADrensk%C3%A1%20metrologie.pdf [3] Petřkovská, L., Čepová L. .: Strojírenská metrologie. Ostrava : VŠB-TUO, 2011. http://www.346.vsb.cz/Petrkovska,%20Cepova%20-%20strojirenska%20metrologie.pdf

Other requirements

Paced and defense of the Protocol on the role of measurements within 2 weeks after measuring.


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

Syllabus of lectures: 1st The importance of metrology, national metrology system, the basic concepts of metrology. 2nd SI unit system, the Law on Metrology, measuring devices division, an institution engaged in metrology. 3rd Metrological control of measuring instruments, following diagrams. 4th Errors and uncertainty. 5th Principles of gauges - mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, ... 6th Metrology length - basic length scales, standards of length, gauge blocks, interference of light and its applications in metrology. 7th Metrology plane angle, using the trigonometric functions in the control plane angle. 8th Check conical surfaces, control svilé and horizontal position. 9th Checking the threads. 10th Inspection of gears. 11th Control surface finish - surface roughness. 12th Variations of shape and position. 13th Coordinate Measuring Machines. 14th Requirements for metrological laboratories. Syllabus Exercises: 1st Exercise - home exercises to introduce students to the program and the organization of training, safety training for working with standeth in the laboratory. 2nd Exercise - practical examples of the work is essential gauges (caliper, micrometer, gauge, gage blocks,...). 3rd exercises - the basis of evaluation results - practice. 4th - 11 Exercise - measurement of eight tasks including the development of protocols for measuring. 12th Exercise - recovery of missing jobs 13th Exercise - Final written test. 14th Exercise - Graded credit. List of measurement tasks: 1st task - control aggression sweat. 2nd role - direct and indirect method of measurement. 3rd task - control of dimensional accuracy of holes. 4th task - control cones. 5th task - check the thread. 6th task - control gear. 7th task - Check roller (flat gauge). 8th task - roughness.

Conditions for subject completion

Conditions for completion are defined only for particular subject version and form of study

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2022/2023 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2021/2022 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2341) Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Šumperk 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2341) Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner
Subject block without study plan - FS - P - cs 2021/2022 Full-time Czech Optional FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering stu. block

Assessment of instruction

2020/2021 Winter
2019/2020 Winter
2018/2019 Winter
2017/2018 Winter
2016/2017 Winter