361-0917/03 – Combustion Facilities (SZ)
Gurantor department | Department of Power Engineering | Credits | 10 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Dr. Ing. Tadeáš Ochodek | Subject version guarantor | doc. Dr. Ing. Tadeáš Ochodek |
Study level | postgraduate | Requirement | Choice-compulsory |
Year | | Semester | winter + summer |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2013/2014 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FS | Intended for study types | Doctoral |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Methods of fuels energy transformation, kind of combustion equipment, boiler furnace types, their parameters and operation conditions, methods of reducing harmfull pollutants production rising at combustion, increases in transformation energy efficiency. Advanced trends and technologies in combustion equipment.
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
Other activities
Získání přehledu o způsobech transformace energie obsažené v různých palivech v jednotlivých typech spalovacích zařízení, definice typů ohnišť a jejich parametry, druhy kotlů a jejich vlastnosti a vhodnost pro dané použití, metody snižování jednotlivých škodlivin vznikajících při spalování a k tomu používaná zařízení, zvyšování účinnosti transformace energie, nejnovější trendy a technologie v oblasti spalovacích zařízení.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Presentation of seminar paper and oral exam
Other requirements
Another demands for student are not.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Ways of energy transformation
Combustion units, parameters and operation characteristics
Criteria and characteristics of furnaces
Boiler types, operating principle, main elements
Desulphurization equipments
Denitrifying processes
Units efficiency, evaluation and assesment
Increases in transformation energy efficiency
Advanced combustion systems
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction