410-2008/02 – System Technology of Buildings I (STB1)
Gurantor department | Department of Electrical Power Engineering | Credits | 7 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Ing. Roman Hrbáč, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | doc. Ing. Roman Hrbáč, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 3 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2024/2025 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Bachelor |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
The aim of this course is to motivate students to be able to apply lessons learned the basic principles of system bus of the building techniques for a proposed bus house wiring. Students will be able to analyze the problem, calculate the costs, implement the specification and argue the project.
Teaching methods
Experimental work in labs
Project work
Field trip
After graduation of subject Intelligent electro-installation technology of buildings, student will gain rewiev about present possibilities of automation operating technical functions in buildings and flats. Students will meet with basic properties of central, decentral and hybrid control of operating technical functions of buildings. There will be compared possibilities of common electric installation and bus electro installation. Students will gain rewiev about companies that are in this area and also about price relations of their products. There will be discussed principles and properties of systems of bus installation EIB and Nikobus. Students will meet standards that describes problems of bus control of buildings and flats. There will be discussed also problems of visualisation of operating technical functions in buildings. There will be disscused possibilities od systems with data transfer through power line IB-PL. For student motivation, there are propagation materials and propagation films of companies Moeller and Siemens available. During excercise, students will try programming and connection of microsystems LOGO! S7 - 200a of Siemens company as a example of visualisation by the help of visualisation programme Promotic. Students have option to design project of bus electric installation theoretically.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
• Short enter tests before starting of each laboratory measurement to examine of student readiness to make measurement
• Reports from each measurement processed on the base of measured values from these measurements and their subsequent processing, completing and assessing.
• Continuous verifying of student knowledge in the numerical exercises in a form of debate and inquiries to achieve student active participations in study process. Identify, deduce and search of problem solving and their interpretation by students.
• Tests from numerical exercises, eventually from chosen theoretical circuits
• Term work and projects on a given theme on the basis of selection, investigation, ordering and final compilation of facts and their processing into final form of given theme.
Other requirements
Additional requirements for students are not.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1. Methods and principles of the implementation of the Bus system building techniques. Comparison of conventional and new methods.
2. Options and features control systems and their use for the implementation of system control in intelligent buildings.
3. Operational functions of the technical systems in buildings. The possibility of visualization technologies and management buildings.
4. EIB/KNX bus system description - part 1.
5. EIB/KNX bus system description - part 2.
6. EIB/KNX bus system description - part 3.
7. Basics of measurement of electrical and non-electrical parameters in buildings - part 1.
8. Basics of measurement of electrical and non-electrical parameters in buildings - part 2.
9. The basic rules of project documentation processing for intelligent buildings.
10. Photovoltaic systems in households and low-energy buildings - part 1.
11. Photovoltaic systems in households and low-energy buildings - part 2.
12. Introduction to technical standardization. A brief overview of the standards, dealing with areas of system technology buildings.
13. Overview of companies dealing with intelligent building system technology, specification, the products prices.
1. Project proposal for bus wiring in the family house through Bus system EIB/KNX.
2. Getting to know the micro system LOGO 2! The basics creation program for the management of LOGO 2 in the programming environment.
3. Start of drawing the technical documentation on your PC in the ProfiCAD environment.
1. Elaboration of the control motor and electric light through micro - LOGO 2!.
2. Elaboration of a preliminary quotation, the selection of companies.
3. Elaboration of a technical report - a reference to the technical standards.
4. Elaboration of technical documentation.
5. Presentation of Project.
Proposal for bus wiring in the family house through Bus system EIB/KNX.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction