430-4102/03 – Control Electronics of Power Converters (ŘEVM)
Gurantor department | Department of Applied Electronics | Credits | 6 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Jan Strossa, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Jan Strossa, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 1 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2015/2016 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Knowledge obtained in this subject offers students good orientation in the principles of power converter control unit. Student obtains ability of independent analyzing and synthesis of power converter control unit and is able to apply obtained information by constructing in practice. Knowledge obtained in this subject is a part of a general knowledge of electrotechnic engineer, who is interested in industrial electronics development and applications.
Teaching methods
Project work
Modern and effectual semiconductor converters claim not only very quality switch components but also well thought out algorithm switching and optimal shape control signal individual switch and effectual style of their protection. All this function must procure control circuit converters. Before was their circuit realization mainly analog, in this time prevailing microprocessors control a software algorithm. Subject informs with both style of solution and leads to software methods. The subject focuses on the basic knowledge of operations of power semiconductor converters and shows control algoritms based on modern microprocessors.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Technical texts at https://lms.vsb.cz/course/view.php?id=125780
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Verification of study:
Checktests TEST no. 1, TEST no. 2 (s. exercises)
Conditions for credit:
Compulsory participation on laboratory exercises.
Project elaboration (evaluated max. 20 points).
Compulsory participation on two tests (evaluated each for 10 points).
Exercises (max. 40 points).
Minimum amount of received points is 25.
Study materials are available via system LMS on https://lms.vsb.cz/
Other requirements
There are no additional requirements for student.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
General demands on power converter control units function.
Power converter control unit in term of EMC.
Driver units for tyristors.
Driver units for bipolar transistors.
Driver units for unipolar transistors and IGBTs.
Control units for line commutated converters (rectifiers).
Control units for pulse converter.
Control units for voltage type inverters, analogue and digital control methods.
Indirect frequency converter controlling.
Direct frequency converter controlling.
Microprocessor control methods for power converters.
Basic analogue control circuit calculating.
Design of digital control circuits.
Draught of rectifier control unit part.
TEST no. 1 - Drivers and rectifier control units.
Design of pulse converter control units.
Design of inverter control unit.
TEST no. 2 - Pulse converter control units and inverter control units.
Lab. task no. 1 - Drivers for bipolar and unipolar transistors.
Lab. task no. 2 - Analogue control units.
Lab. task no. 3 - Digital control methods.
Lab. task no. 4 - Microprocessor control units with using Freescale microprocessor.
Lab. task no. 5 - PWM of transistor inverter.
Elaborating of results gained in laboratory exercises: Laboratory task no. 1 - 5. (14 hours)
Computer labs:
Design of chosen power converters control circuits.
Draught of chosen power converters control algorithms.
Software available in English version.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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