440-4114/04 – Optical Communications I (OK I)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of TelecommunicationsCredits5
Subject guarantordoc. Ing. Jan Nedoma, Ph.D.Subject version guarantordoc. Ing. Jan Nedoma, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Study languageEnglish
Year of introduction2021/2022Year of cancellation
Intended for the facultiesFEIIntended for study typesFollow-up Master
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
LAT04 Ing. Jan Látal, Ph.D.
NED086 doc. Ing. Jan Nedoma, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 3+2

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Understand the function of optoelectronic components used in optical networks. Learning outcomes are set so that the students are able to identify and apply tasks in the field of optoelectronics.

Teaching methods

Experimental work in labs
Project work


This subject presents an introduction to the studies of optoelectronics problems specialized in optical communications. Except an introduction, that represents the place of optical communications in today's communication technologies, freshmen will be familiarized with fundamental properties of light essential for phenomena understanding in optical fibres. Optical fibers themselves are divided into different levels: basic description and advanced description. All fibres are described in this way, multimode, single mode and plastic optical fibers. All characteristics are described - from mechanism of light guidance, over attenuation and dispersive phenomena. As the linear so nonlinear phenomena in optical fibers are described.

Compulsory literature:

[1] Ghatak,A.K., Thyagarajan,K.: Introduction to fiber optics. Cambridge University Press, 1st edition, 1998, ISBN 0-521-577853 [2] Agrawal,G.P.. Fiber optic communication systems. J.Wiley and Sons, 1st edition, 1992, ISBN 0-471-54286-5 [3] Papen,G.C., Blahut, E.R.: Lightwave Communications. Cambridge University Press, 2019, ISBN 978-1-108-42756-2 [4] Lam,C.: Passive Optical Networks, Principles and Practice. Elsevier 2007, ISBN 978-0-12-373853-0

Recommended literature:

[1] Filka,M.: Optoelectronics for telecommunications and informatics. ProfiberNetworking CZ,s.r.o., ISBN 987-80-86785-14-1

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

Passing two tests in exercises, submission of protocols from laboratory exercises • Oral and written examination


The materials are available in the LMS system or by agreement with the subject guarantor.

Other requirements

The condition for granting the credit is the submission of all protocols in the laboratory exercise and successful completion of two tests in the exercise.


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

- Introduction to telecommunications and optical fibers - history and development of transmission properties and parameters of optical fibers, fiber optic communication systems, basic block diagram of optical information transmission, current state in optical systems, future development trends - Fundamentals of optical fibers I - light conduction in optical fibers, complete reflection at the core-shell interface, refractive indices of the core and shell, cut-off angle at the core-shell interface and cut-off angle, introduction of light into the optical fiber, reception cone, numerical aperture - Basics of optical fibers II - mode and chromatic dispersion, solution of mode dispersion - gradient fibers, single-mode fibers - Basics of optical fibers III - chromatic dispersion, mechanism of chromatic dispersion, calculation of pulse propagation by chromatic dispersion, definition of transmission speed and bandwidth, connection of transmission speed and bandwidth - Basics of optical fibers IV - catalog parameters of optical fibers, general parameters, optical characteristics, geometric characteristics of optical fibers, specification of working conditions of optical fibers, mechanical characteristics, other characteristics - Fundamentals of single-mode fibers I - principle of single-mode fiber operation, Gaussian bundle, influence of core and sheath on mode field diameter MFD, limiting wavelength of SM fiber, attenuation of SM fibers, macro-bending losses, micro-bending losses, light absorption and scattering in SM fibers, dispersion and bandwidth of SM fibers - Basics of single-mode fibers II - chromatic dispersion, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, conventional fibers, fibers with shifted dispersion characteristic, fibers with flat dispersion characteristic, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), bandwidth and transmission speed of SM fibers, catalog parameters of SM fibers , general characteristics, transmission characteristics, MFD and limiting wavelength, geometrical characteristics, mechanical properties of SM fibers - Basics of sources for optical communications (laser) - basic properties of lasers, spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, positive feedback, material losses, laser activity and laser transfer characteristics, characteristics and properties of laser light, - Basics of sources for optical communications (LED) - advantages and disadvantages of LEDs in comparison with laser diodes, formation of photons in semiconductors, formation of light at PN junction, basic description and characteristics of LEDs, homogeneous LED transitions, LEDs on heterostructures, surface emitting LEDs ( SLED), edge-emitting LED (ELED), LED-optical fiber light coupling, technology to improve coupling, LED catalog parameters, LED modulation bandwidth - Basics of receivers for optical communications - basic requirements for optical detectors, basic principles and arrangement of photodetectors, photodiode on PN junction, resistance and photovoltaic mode, photodiode sensitivity, photodiode spectral behavior, longwave limit of photodetector, photodetector resolution, photodetector bandwidth, spare photodiode scheme, limitation and control of photodiode response speed - Introduction to measurement of optical fibers and cables - types of measurements, measurements on SM and MM fibers and cables, attenuation measurement, conditions of attenuation measurement, two-length method, direct method, OTDR-meter, basic parts of the instrument, dead zones of measurement, curve backscatter, cable factor, shape of faults on the backscatter curve - Introduction to fiber optic networks - basic concepts of fiber optic networks, terminology of fiber optic networks, optical network nodes, WDM networks and their variants, management of fiber optic networks

Conditions for subject completion

Full-time form (validity from: 2021/2022 Winter semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Credit and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (100) 51
        Credit Credit 45  25
        Examination Examination 55  26 3
Mandatory attendence participation: Optional lectures, seminars have a mandatory attendance of 80%.

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP: Attendance at lectures is optional, the conditions for passing the course are the same as for full-time study, participation in exercises is at least 80%.

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2024/2025 (N0714A060020) Communication and Information Technology KIT P Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2024/2025 (N0714A060021) Communication and Information Technology KIT P English Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2023/2024 (N0714A060020) Communication and Information Technology OKS P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory type A study plan
2023/2024 (N2647) Information and Communication Technology (2601T013) Telecommunication Technology P English Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2023/2024 (N0714A060021) Communication and Information Technology OKS P English Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory type A study plan
2022/2023 (N0714A060021) Communication and Information Technology OKS P English Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory type A study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner
ECTS - mgr. 2025/2026 Full-time English Optional 401 - Study Office stu. block
ECTS - mgr. 2024/2025 Full-time English Optional 401 - Study Office stu. block
V - ECTS - mgr. 2023/2024 Full-time English Optional 401 - Study Office stu. block
V - ECTS - mgr. 2022/2023 Full-time English Optional 401 - Study Office stu. block

Assessment of instruction

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