440-4115/01 – Optical Communications II (OK II)
Gurantor department | Department of Telecommunications | Credits | 6 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Jan Látal, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | prof. RNDr. Vladimír Vašinek, CSc. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Optional |
Year | 1 | Semester | summer |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2012/2013 | Year of cancellation | 2022/2023 |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Understand the proposal of optical transmission routes.
Learning outcomes are set so that the students are able to identify and apply tasks in the field of optoelectronics.
Teaching methods
Experimental work in labs
The transmission properties of the optical fibers create the content oh the subject. Further the connection and measurement of optical fiber and cables and the installation technology imagine the scope of subject.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
[1] Filka,M.: Optoelectronics for telecommunications and informatics. ProfiberNetworking CZ,s.r.o., ISBN 987-80-86785-14-1
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Conditions for credit granting:
Successfully passing of the two tests in exercises.
Handover of all protocols from laboratory measurements.
Other requirements
The condition for the credit obtaining are handover of all reports from laboratory measurements and succesfully managing of two tests.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Advanced description of optical fibers 1 - Maxwell´s equations, interpretation of Maxwell´s equations, wave equations, solving wave equations, plane waves, propagation of the EM waves, wave equations for time-harmonic EM field, distribution of electical and magnetical part of wave in space, wave propagation in lossy medium, phase and group velocity of waves, group refraction index, EM waves in bounded media, rectangular waveguide, modes in waveguide, cutoff frequency and waveguide wavelengths, advanced description of total internal reflection, effects on boundary of two dielectrics, phase shift in total reflection, evanescent waves, reflectances and transmittances on boundary of two dielectrics, Goos-Haenchen shift
Advanced description of optical fibers 2 - Cylindrical fibers, modes of cylindrical fibers, LP modes, selecting rules for EM waves in optical fibers, waves and rays of optical fibers, meridional and skew rays, guided, radiation and leaky modes, optical power in fiber, power distribution between core and cladding, number of modes and measuremnt of attenuation
Advanced description of optical fibers 3 - Cutoff wavelength and cutoff normalised frquency of optical fiber, cutoff condition and total internal reflection, power confinement and cutoff condition, role of cladding, effective refractive index
Advanced description of optical fibers 4 - Attenuation in multimode fibers, general approach to attenuation, intrinsic losses, Rayleigh scattering, behaviour of SiO2 fibers, choice of operating wavelength, other materials for optical fibers production, fluoride fibers, chalkogen fibers, extrinsic absorption, macrobending loss, microbending loss, influence of mode structure to fiber attenuation, attenuation and attenuation constant, dispersion in multimode fibers, total dispersion and pulse width, electrical and optical bandwidth, mechanism of modal dispersion
Advanced description of optical fibers 5 - Chromatic dispersion, derivation of the formula for material dispersion, practical calculation of material dispersion according to datasheets, Sellmeier relations, influence of source spectral width, waveguide dispersion, description of bit rate and bandwidth in multimode fibers, choice of operating wavelength according to fiber dispersion, dispersion power penalty
Basics of singlemode fibers (SM fibers) - Principle of action, Gaussian beam, influence of core and cladding to mode field diameter (MFD), cutoff wavelength of SM fiber, attenuation in SM fibers, macrobending loss, microbending loss, absorption of light and light scattering of SM fibers, dispersion and bandwidth, chromatic dispersion, material dispersion, waveguide dispersion, coventional fibers, shifted fibers, dispersion flattened fibers, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), bandwidth and bit rate of SM fibers, reading of datasheets, general characteristics, transmission parameters, MFD and cutoff wavelength, geometric characteristics, mechanical properties of SM fibers
Advanced description of SM fibers 1 - Mode field, Gaussian model and real mode field distribution, cutoff wavelength and V-number, effective cutoff wavelength, detailed description of SM fiber attenuation, bending losses for step-index SM fiber, more sophisticated refrective index profiles of SM fibers, coping with dispersion in Sm fibers, dispersion solution for WDM fibers
Advanced description of SM fibers 2 - compensation of chromatic dispersion with compensating fibers (DCF), designing of DCF systems, dispersion compensating gratings (DCG), fiber Bragg gratings (FBG), production of FGB fibers, polarisation mode dispersion (PMD), PMD characteristics of SM fiber, polarization-maintaining fibers, PMD kompensation, nonlinear effects in SM fibers, nonlinear refractive effects, self phase modulation (SPM), solitons in optical fiber, cross-phase modulation (XPM), four-wave mixing (FWM) in SM fiber, stimulated scattering effects, trends in fiber desing
Fabrication of optical fibers and cables 1 - Requirements on technologies, preparation of molten glasses, fusible technologies, fibre drawing, rdawing of long fibers - double-crucible method, deposition technologies, OVPO, VAD, MCVD, PCVD technologies, optical fibers coatings, primary and secondary tight coating, optical cables for telecommunications and data transmission, basic structure of optical cable
Fabrication of optical fibers and cables 2 - Mechanical parameters of optical cables, protection and humidity resistivity, gels in optical cables, protection of optical cables to biological influences, materials for cable coatings, PVC, polyurethan (PUR), HDPE, nylon, teflon, LSZH materials, examples of optical cable datasheets
Installation methods and procedures with optical cables, Installation methods, installation in climbing-irons, cable laying into protective pipes, protection to lightning, self-supporting cables, cables for chemical industry, calbles for higher temperature, blowing technologies, new cable laying technologies of optical cables, structure of telecommunication optical lines, structured cabling systems, optical swichtgears, design of optical lines, attenuation budget, total dispersion budget
Optical fiber cable connectorization 1 - Mounting splices, fixed splices, intrinsic and extrinsic losses in splices, reflection loss, insertion loss, optomechanical splices, fused splices, fusion splicers of optical fibers, fusion splice protection, optical connectors, basic structure of optical connectors, insertion loss of optical connector, return loss
Optical fiber cable connectorization 2 -
Distribution curve of insertion loss, repeatability of connectio, mounting density of optical connectors and their compatibility with optical cables and appliances, types and materials for optical ferrules, types of optical connectors-SMA, FC, ST, SC, FDDI, ESCON, E2000, new types of optical connectors-MTRJ, MTP, MU, MINIMAC, the latest trends in connections with optical connectors
Tests and measurements of otical fibers and cables -1
Curve routing of backscattering, cable factor, shape of faults on the backscattering curve, chromatic dispersion, methods for chromatic dispersion measurement, differential phase shift, time delay of pulses, BERT, measurement of insertion loss of connectors and other passive elements in optical lines, return loss measurement
Tests and measurements of otical fibers and cables -2
Refractive index profile measurement, interferometric method, near field refractive index measurement, refractive method of refractive index measurement, measurement of cut-off wavelength for optical cables and fibers, numerical aperture measurement, measurement of cross dimensions of fiber core and cladding, MFD measurement of SM fibers
Working with catalogue sheets of optical cables
Calculation of mechanical parameters of optical cables
Attenuation and dispersed budget of optical route
The statistical evaluation of optical connections and attenuation
measurement, protocols for measuring
Parameters of laser beam calculation
The calculation of terminal degrees circuit with LED and LD
Coupling efficiency LED-optical fibre and optical fibre LD
Measurement of VA characteristics of LED and LD
Measurement P / I characteristics of LED and LD
Measurement directional characteristics of LED and LD
Impact of the number of coils in the downturn multi-mode optical fibre
Measurement, depending on the route optical wavelength
Measurement : optomechanics connectors on a calibrated capillary
Measurement: optomechanics connectors with a V-slot
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction