440-4115/04 – Optical Communications II (OK II)
Gurantor department | Department of Telecommunications | Credits | 5 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Jan Látal, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Jan Látal, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | | |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2021/2022 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Understand the proposal of optical transmission routes.
Learning outcomes are set so that the students are able to identify and apply tasks in the field of optoelectronics.
Teaching methods
Experimental work in labs
The transmission properties of the optical fibers create the content oh the subject. Further the connection and measurement of optical fiber and cables and the installation technology imagine the scope of subject.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
[1] Filka,M.: Optoelectronics for telecommunications and informatics. ProfiberNetworking CZ,s.r.o., ISBN 987-80-86785-14-1
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Passing two tests in exercises, submission of protocols from laboratory exercises
• Oral and written examination
Other requirements
The condition for granting the credit is the submission of all protocols in the laboratory exercise and successful completion of two tests in the exercise.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1.Advanced description of optical fiber properties I - Maxwell's equations, interpretation of Maxwell's equations, wave equation for vacuum, solution of wave equation, plane waves, propagation of EM waves, wave equations for harmonic EM field, distribution of electric and magnetic components in space, propagation of plane waves in lossy environment, phase and group (group) wave velocity, group (group) refractive index,
2.Advanced description of properties of optical fibers II - EM waves in bounded environment, rectangular waveguide, waveguide modes, cut-off frequencies and wavelengths of waveguide, advanced description of complete internal reflection, phenomena at the interface of two lossless dielectrics, phase shift at full reflection and evanescent field, reflectivity, and permeability at the dielectric interface, properties of evanescent waves, Goos-Haenchen shift
3.Advanced description of optical fiber properties III - Cylindrical fibers, modes of cylindrical fibers, LP modes, selection rules for states of EM waves in the fiber, waves and rays of optical fiber, meridional and oblique rays, guided, radiant and flowing modes, light output carried by optical fibers fiber, power distribution between core and shell, number of modes and attenuation measurement
4.Advanced description of optical fiber properties IV - Limiting wavelength and limiting normalized frequency of optical fiber, connection of limiting normalized frequency and total internal reflection, connection between power distribution across cross section of optical fiber and limiting normalized frequency, effective refractive index, attenuation of optical fibers, general approach to the concept of attenuation, intrinsic absorption, Rayleigh scattering, SiO2 fibers, selection of working wavelengths,
5.Advanced description of optical fiber properties V - Other materials for optical fiber production, fluoride fibers, chalcogenic fibers of extrinsic absorption, bending losses, micro-bending and macro-bending, influence of fashion structure on fiber attenuation, attenuation and attenuation constant, dispersion in multimode fibers, total dispersion and pulse width, electrical and optical bandwidth, mode dispersion and its pulse extension mechanism Chromatic dispersion, derivation of basic relation for material dispersion, chromatic dispersion calculations according to catalog parameters, Sellmeier relation, influence of source spectral line width, waveguide dispersion, description of transmission rate and bandwidth of multimode fibers, selection of working wavelength depending on fiber dispersion, influence of dispersion on the amount of attenuation
6. Single-mode fibers - advanced description I - Mode field, Gaussian model and real mode field distribution, cut-off wavelength and normalized fiber frequency, effective cut-off wavelength, more detailed description of attenuation in SM fibers, bending losses of SM fiber with step refractive index profile, more sophisticated refractive index profiles of SM fibers, solution of chromatic dispersion in SM fibers, solution of dispersion for fibers for WDM
7.Single mode fibers - advanced description II - Chromatic dispersion compensation by compensating fibers, design of communication systems with compensating fibers, Bragg lattice fiber dispersion compensation (FGB fibers), production of FGB fibers, polarization mode dispersion (PMD), description of polarization in SM fiber, characteristics of PMD, fibers preserving the polarization state, PMD compensation, nonlinear phenomena in optical fibers, influence of nonlinear changes in refractive index, natural phase modulation of optical wave (SPM), optical fiber solitons, crosstalk phase modulation (XPM), four-wave mixing (FWM) in SM fiber, stimulated scattering phenomena, trends in the design of optical fibers
8.Production of optical fibers and cables I - Requirements for technologies, preparation of pure glass, melting technologies, fiber drawing, long fiber drawing-double crucible method, deposition technology, OVPO, VAD, MCVD, PCVD technology, optical fiber sheaths, primary and tight secondary protection, optical cables for telecommunications and data communications, basic cable structure
9.Production of optical fibers and cables II - Mechanical parameters of optical cables, protection and resistance to moisture, gels of optical cables, protection of optical cables against biological influences, sheath materials of optical cables, PVC, polyurethane, HDPE, nylon, Teflon, LSZH materials, examples catalog parameters of optical cables
10.Installation methods and procedures with optical cables - Installation methods, installation in footrests, laying cables in pipes, lightning protection, self-supporting cables, cables for chemical environments, high temperature environments, blown fibers, new laying technologies for optical cables, telecommunication structure optical routes, construction of structured all-optical networks, equipment of optical switchboards, design of optical routes, attenuation budget, dispersion budget
11.Connection of optical fibers and cables I - Detachable and non-detachable connections, internal and external losses in connections, reflection losses of connections, insertion loss, optomechanical connections, welded connections, optical fiber welders, protection of connections after welding, optical connectors, basic parts of optical connectors , connector insertion loss, reflection attenuation
12.Connection of optical fibers and cables II - Curve of frequency of insertion attenuation, repeatability of connection, mounting density of connectors and their compatibility with devices and optical cables, types and materials of ferrules of optical connectors, types of optical connectors-SMA, FC, ST, SC, FDDI, ESCON, E2000, new types of connectors-MTRJ, MTP, MU, MINIMAC, the latest trends in optical connectors
13.Measurement of optical fibers and cables - I Course of backscattering curve, cable factor, shape of disturbances on backscattering curve, chromatic dispersion, description of methods, differential phase shift, time delay of pulses, measurement of error rate of BERT path, measurement of insertion loss of connectors and other passives elements of the optical path, measurement of reflection attenuation
14.Measurement of optical fibers and cables - II. Refractive index profile measurement, interferometric method, near field refractive index measurement method, refractive index refractive index measurement method, optical fiber and cable cut-off wavelength measurement, numerical aperture measurement, transverse dimensions of optical fiber core and sheath, measurement of MFD single-mode fibers
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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