448-0022/01 – Electrical Drives (EPO)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of ElectronicsCredits8
Subject guarantorprof. Ing. Tomáš Čermák, CSc.Subject version guarantorprof. Ing. Tomáš Čermák, CSc.
Study levelpostgraduateRequirementChoice-compulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction1992/1993Year of cancellation2008/2009
Intended for the facultiesFEIIntended for study typesDoctoral
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
FIS06 Ing. Ondřej Fišer
KAD37 Ing. Martin Kaduch
NEB30 doc. Ing. Ivo Neborák, CSc.
SIM01 doc. Ing. Petr Šimoník, Ph.D.
SLA10 Ing. Václav Sládeček, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 3+3
Part-time Credit and Examination 26+6

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Teaching methods


The subject focuses on the basic knowledge of principles, design and operations of electrical drives. The prerequisites would be courses on electronics, power electronics and electrical drives.

Compulsory literature:

Recommended literature:

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester


Other requirements


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

Přednášky: Kinematika a mechanika elektrických pohonů. Oteplování a energetika elektrických pohonů. Charakteristiky stejnosměrných pohonů s Leonardovým měničem, řízenými tyristorovým usměrňovači a pulzními měniči. Matematické modely stejnosměrného motoru s cizím buzením, ss sériového motoru a měničů. Struktury stejnosměrných pohonů s řízenými tyristorovými usměrňovači a pulzními měniči Charakteristiky střídavých pohonů s asynchronním motorem, ventilové kaskády, elektrický hřídel. Frekvenční řízení rychlosti asynchronních motorů. Charakteristiky střídavých pohonů se synchronními motory, ventilový motor. Struktury střídavých pohonů. Vektorové řízení střídavých pohonů. Analýza a syntéza regulačních pohonů. Regulace rychlosti a polohy stejnosměrných pohonů. Regulace rychlosti a polohy střídavých pohonů s asynchronními motory. Regulace rychlosti a polohy střídavých pohonů se synchronními motory. Cvičení: Bezpečnostní školení pro práci v laboratořích, seznámení s obsahem cvičení a podmínkami zápočtu. Určení momentu setrvačnosti. Určení momentů a výkonů pracovních strojů, zatěžovací diagramy pracovních strojů, příklady z mechaniky elektrických pohonů. Příklady z oteplování el. pohonů. Příklady pohonů se stejnosměrnými motory, struktury pohonů s Leonardovým a tyristorovým měničem. Kontrolní test č. 1. Příklady pohonů se sériovými motory, pohony s asynchronními motory. Kontrolní test č. 2., Skluzová regulace AM, diferenciální spojení as. motorů. Brzdění asynchronních motorů, frekvenční řízení asynchr. motorů. Příklady regulačních obvodů elektrických pohonů Kontrolní test č. 3. Opakování, konzultace, opravy kontrolních testů, náhradní laboratorní cvičení. Laboratoře: Elektromechanické přechodové děje. Oteplení motoru pro různé druhy zatížení. Struktury ss motoru s cizím buzením. Vlastnosti elektrického pohonu s asynchronním motorem napájeným z měniče kmitočtu Mechanické charakteristiky asynchronního kroužkového motoru v brzdných režimech.

Conditions for subject completion

Full-time form (validity from: 1960/1961 Summer semester, validity until: 2012/2013 Summer semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Exercises evaluation and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (145) 51 3
        Examination Examination 100  0 3
        Exercises evaluation Credit 45  0 3
Mandatory attendence participation:

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP:

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V003) Transport Equipment and Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V001) Transport and Material Handling K Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V003) Transport Equipment and Technology K Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V001) Transport and Material Handling P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V003) Transport Equipment and Technology P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V001) Transport and Material Handling P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (P2301) Mechanical Engineering (2301V003) Transport Equipment and Technology P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2601T004) Measurement and Control Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2612T018) Electronics and Communication Technology P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3902T023) Computer Science P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (10) Elektrické stroje a přístroje P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (20) Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2642T004) Electrical Machines, Apparatus and Drives (30) Mechatronika P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering (10) Přenos a rozvod elektrické energie P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering (20) Elektroenergetika v průmyslu P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering (30) Elektroenergetika v dopravě P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2612) Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3907T001) Electrical Power Engineering (40) Zařízení elektráren P Czech Ostrava 4 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner

Assessment of instruction

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