450-4100/02 – Advanced Methods of Signal Processing (PMZS)
Gurantor department | Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering | Credits | 6 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Zdeněk Macháček, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Zdeněk Macháček, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 1 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | English |
Year of introduction | 2019/2020 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
There are studied mathematical algorithms, methods and principles of advanced signal processing. Students will be introduced to advanced methods of analogue and digital signal processing. The subject includes knowledge in the fields of measurement, regulation, electronics, biomedical techniques, signal processing.
Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to learn students the advanced methods and individual signal processing algorithms using window function methods, signal transformation, band signal filtration, compression and processing of audio and video signal. Students will study analog and digital modulations, methods of analog signal conversion to digital signal and inverse transform.
Each methods and advanced methods of signal processing are presented at lectures and in exercises the students practically realize the assignment of individual protocols, which thematically correspond to the topics discussed in the lectures. Practical mastering of tools for generating and analyzing signals. Practical knowledge in the field of signal processing and measuring devices that analyze signals.
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
Experimental work in labs
The subject Advanced methods of signal processing follows the subjects of bachelor study dealing with analog and digital signal processing and system analyses (Signals and systems, Digital signal processing, etc.).
It is designed for students and engineers in electrical engineering, specializing in measurement, regulation, electronics, communication
technology, biomedical engineering, signal processing. The student acquires and extends his / her knowledge and skills in the problems, methods of advanced signal processing methods.
The student will get knowledge of the uniform methodology of description of signal processing methods in the frequency domain using the FFT algorithm, knowledge of signal processing methods such as window signal functions, complex and real cepstral signal analysis, octave signal analysis, signal waveform transformation with multiple resolution signal analysis , signal interpolation and signal decimation, mixer implementation principles, multiplier detector and frequency multipliers, passband filters and narrow band filters.
Students will learn the principles of compression and audio signal processing, compression standards MP3, WMA, ACC, OCG. Noise suppression, effect audio signal processing, compression and image processing principles, compression standards with MPEG video and audio encoding, JPEG compression of digital video signals.
Students will obtain knowledge of digital signal modulations in baseband modulations PAM, PCM, PWM, PPM, PNM. Students will also acquire knowledge of analogue modulations AM, DSB-SC and SSB-SC (LSSB-SC and USSB-SC), analog FM and PM (NBFM, WBFM) modulation, digital modulations OOK, DPSK, FSK, QAM, APSK, OFDM, DAB, DBM, DVB, and FEC security algorithms.
For the study of the subject, There are expected the knowledge of mathematics in the scope of the basic course lectured at VSB-TU Ostrava, FEI, basic knowledge of physics and basic knowledge of electrical engineering. Students will also work with mathematical programs designed for signal processing and analyzing. Students use and learn to work with measuring devices in laboratory.
There is assumed the basic subjects knowledge from the bachelor study. Advanced signal processing methods is subject which covering a wide range of knowledge. Mathematical sentences used always discuss their physical interpretation. For the derivation of sentences and their proofs, some formulas describe the statistical view of the issue, the student refers to the cited literature. For more information, see the Department Cybernetics and biomedical engineering website of the FEI.
Compulsory literature:
Macháček Z., Nevřiva P. : Textbook – Modulated signals, Ostrava. Textbook is available at the teacher, on the department server smak.vsb.cz,2012
Couch L.W.II: Digital and Analog Communications Systems. Macmillan, New York 2013.
Recommended literature:
B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems. Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780195331455, 2009.
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Projects No.1-10 will be implemented in part in laboratory exercises. Projects consist of processing, measurement, computation and signal generation using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Students write 10 protocols. For each protocol, students can obtain up to 2 points. For all protocols, the student can get a maximum of 20 points. At the end of the semester, the student completes the final test for which he / she can get up to 20 points. A student is awarded a credit if he has worked out and has been classified with all the protocols and if he /she has worked out and he/she has been assigned a test and if he/she has obtain a total of at least 15 points from the exercises. Protocols are processed during the semester by students in the laboratory hours.
The course is finished by the final exam, which consists of a written part 0 - 50 points and oral part 0 - 10 points. In order to pass the exam, students must succeed in all parts of the examination.
Other requirements
There are not defined other requirements for students.
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Basic distribution of signal types and basic definitions, definition of studied issues with mathematical description and graphical expression of the basics of signal processing.
Window signal functions, spectral signal analysis using the FFT algorithm
Complex and real cepstral signal analysis, octave signal analysis
Wave signal transformation with multi-resolution signal analysis
Methods of time analysis and signal processing. Interpolation and decimation of the signal.
Methods of signal frequency analysis with principles of mixer implementation, multiplier detector and frequency multiplier.
Methods of signal processing by pass band filters and narrowband band filters.
Modulation of the signal in the base frequency band. Pulse, digital signal processing in the baseband. Pulse Amplitude Modulation PAM. Pulse code modulation of PCM. Modulation of PWM, PNM, PPM, PDM.
Principles of Compression and Audio Signal Processing. Mathematical description. Compression standards MP3, WMA, ACC, OCG. Noise suppression, Effect processing of audio signal. Frequency signal processing of the audio signal.
Principles of Compression and Image Signal Processing. Mathematical description. Compression standards and MPEG video and audio encoding standards. Compression of digital video signals by JPEG.
Methods of processing and interpreting a high frequency signal. Complex envelope, mathematical description. Time and frequency analysis of the radio frequency signal.
Analog modulation. Mathematical description. Graphical description of the analog-modulated signal in the time and frequency domains of AM, DSB-SC, SSB-AM, QM, FM, PM
Digital modulation. Mathematical description. Graphical description of the digitally modulated signal in the time domain. Constellation of modulation. Signal processing by OOK, ASK, FSK, PSK, QAM, APSK.
Principles of data signal transmission. Mathematical description. Digital broadcasting standards DAB, DMB. DVB digital television standards. FEC security algorithms, OFDM signal modulation.
Introduction of laboratory exercises. Analysis and processing of signals with graphical and mathematical expression using laboratory instrumentation.
Implementation of window signal functions, implementation of FFT algorithm
Complex and real cepstral analysis of the generated signal, octave analysis of the generated signal using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Waveform Transformation of Generated Signal and Multiple Resolution Signal Analysis Using Laboratory Equipment and Mathematical Software.
Interpolation and decimation of the signal using instrumentation laboratory equipment and mathematical software.
Implementation and measurement with mixer, multiplier detector and frequency multiplier.
Measurement and analysis by pass band filters and narrowband band filters
Implementation and analysis of signal modulation in the base frequency band using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Implementation of compression and audio signal processing using mathematical software.
Implementing compression and image processing using mathematical software.
Methods of processing and measurement of radio frequency signal using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Methods of analogue modulation of radio frequency signal using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Methods of digital modulation of radio frequency signal using laboratory instrumentation and mathematical software.
Final exam. Termination of laboratories.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction