456-0305/01 – Computer Diagnostics (DGP)
Gurantor department | Department of Computer Science | Credits | 5 |
Subject guarantor | prof. Ing. Karel Vlček, CSc. | Subject version guarantor | prof. Ing. Karel Vlček, CSc. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Optional |
Year | 1 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2003/2004 | Year of cancellation | 2009/2010 |
Intended for the faculties | FEI | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Introduction to theoretical, and practical activities in troubleshoot identification and test generation.
A frequentant will be familiar in diagnostics, and test programme generation for digital systems. Special interest is streamed to diagnotics of custom circuits, which are designed to be peripheral of computers.
Teaching methods
Project work
The Computer Diagnostics arose from the same moment as the beginning of computer design. The necessity of verification of behavioural of circuits is regular process of design, and manufacturing, fault discovering on the basis of errors found by the test process is the substantial activity in circuit debugging and computer assembling, as well as in services. The testing is the practical application of diagnostics, it is necessary to fault discovering from the errors indicated as the responses of fault circuit. They are not in congruency with the description of technical specification. The increasing circuit complexity of computers causes the necessity to apply the sophisticate methods of testing. Minimisation of the length of test vector sequences, together with clever way of error detection through the test processing are the basic assumptions for effective testing, namely in these cases, if it is used pseudo-random test generation.
Application of response compression by the method of signature analysis during the test results evaluation is very carefully worked out test method, which is contained as the part of Boundary-Scan Test methodology defined by IEEE Std 1149.1. The BSDL language does the support of the circuit design. Frequently asked parts of digital systems are tests of memories, they are with respect to more complicate model of failure and with respect to regular structure of memory chip, generated by algorithmic ways. Statistic evaluation of failure occurrence and the effective capture of errors during the tests complete the overview of test methods of semiconductor memories. Specific requirements for test machine construction of memories are introduced in this coherence. The extra chapter is devoted to memory dynamic parameter testing. Briefly introduced are methods of on-line testing with the support of error-control coding of written files in memories.
Compulsory literature:
Recommended literature:
Schoen, J. M.: Performance and Fault Modelling with VHDL. Prentice Hall (1992).
Adams, R. Dean: High Performance Memory Testing. Design Principles, Fault modelling and Self-Test. Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2003)
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Průběžná kontrola studia:
Zpracování semestrálního projektu
Other requirements
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
Základní pojmy diagnostiky.
Druhy poruch v číslicových systémech.
Generování testů pro číslicové obvody. Intuitivní zcitlivění cesty.
D-algoritmus: přenos, průnik, konzistence.
Booleovské diference.
Vestavěné diagnostické prostředky.
Hraniční testování - BST (Boundary-Scan Testing).
Programovací jazyky pro BST.
Zkoušeče, kategorizace na typy, hlavní funkční bloky.
Technika hledání poruch.
Vestavěné diagnostické prostředky.
Testování pamětí - modely poruch.
Testování mikroprocesorů.
Diagnostika pomocí vývojových systémů.
Směry dalšího rozvoje testovací techniky.
Ve cvičeních jsou počítány příklady na zjišťování přítomnosti poruch, jsou generovány pseudonáhodné testovací vektory a vyhodnocovány případové studie pro pokrytí testem u různých typů číslicových obvodů a systémů
Projekt: vytvoření metody testování středně složité jednotky počítače.
Počítačové laboratoře:
Počítačová cvičení jsou prováděna na počítačové učebně, kde jsou řešeny příklady a spouštěny simulace vybraných experimentů.
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction