546-0820/01 – Waste in the Environment (OvŽP)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Environmental EngineeringCredits5
Subject guarantorprof. Ing. Vladimír Čablík, Ph.D.Subject version guarantorprof. Ing. Vladimír Čablík, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduateRequirementCompulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction2013/2014Year of cancellation2021/2022
Intended for the facultiesHGFIntended for study typesFollow-up Master
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
CAB72 prof. Ing. Vladimír Čablík, Ph.D.
PEC06 doc. Ing. Iva Janáková, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 2+2
Part-time Credit and Examination 9+3

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Knowledge of waste management in terms of their waste production, disposal and removal and their efficient material and energy recovery. Ability to distinguish different approaches, to estimate and find best solutions for a particular problem of waste management. Students will be able to obtain information for work experience, demonstrate a general overview and evaluate the issue. Compare different approaches and practical side of them. Being able to produce results and solve them independently. Demonstrate ability to communicate (active both writing and speaking), manage technical terminology.

Teaching methods



In this course attention will be paid to the issue of waste, definition of basic concepts and definitions of waste, the impact on the environment and its protection reasons. Students will be familiar with the various technologies of recycling, recovery and disposal of waste. Students in the classroom visit plants engaged in the removal and processing of waste. In this course are implemented mathematical and physical - chemical application methods, such as measurement and calculation of sieve methods, quartering waste, design optimization charge for heat recovery. Determination of calorific value of wastes. Students will be assigned semester project which will solve practical problems concerning the issue of waste in the environment.

Compulsory literature:

KURAŠ, Mečislav. Odpadové hospodářství. Vyd. 1. Chrudim: Ekomonitor, 2008, 143s. ISBN 978-80-86832-34-0. KOLLAROVÁ, Helena. Environmentální technologie a ekoinovace v eské republice. Vyd. 1. Praha: CENIA, 2009, 113115 s. ISBN 978-808-5087-697. ŠOOŠ, Ľubomír. Odpady 1 : environmentálne technológie. Bratislava: Slovenská technická univerzita, 2007. ISBN 978-80-227-2627-6. SLIVKA, Vladimír, DIRNER, Vojtech, KURAŠ, Mečislav. Odpadové hospodářství I. : Praktická příručka. Ostrava : [s.n.], 2006. 130 s. ISBN 80-248-1245-2. 50 JUCHELKOVÁ, Dagmar. Odpady, vedlejší produkty a nakládání s nimi. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2005, 98 s. ISBN 80-248-0753-X.

Recommended literature:

Hazardous industrial waste treatment / edited by Lawrence K. Wang ... [et al.]. - Boca Raton : CRC/Taylor & Francis, c2007 - ix, 516 s. : il. ISBN 978-0-8493-7574-3. GIRCZYS, Janusz. Procesy utylizacji odpadów stałych. Częstochowa : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, 2004. 199 s. : il. ISBN 83-7193-256-1. JUCHELKOVÁ, Dagmar. Likvidace a vyuţití odpadů. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita, Strojní fakulta, 2000, 73 s. ISBN 80-7078-747-3. PLÍVA, Petr. Kompostování v pásových hromadách na volné ploše. 1. vyd. Praha: Profi Press, 2009, 136 s. ISBN 97880-86726-32-8. www.biom.cz Časopisy: Odpady : Odpadové hospodářství, ekonomika ţivotního prostředí. ECONOMIA a. s. 1996- , roč. 1, č. 1- . Praha : ECONOMIA a. s., 1996- . 1x měsíčně. Dostupný z WWW: <http://odpady.ihned.cz/>. ISSN 1213-7693. Odpadové fórum : Odborný měsíčník o odpadech a druhotných surovinách. České ekologické manaţerské centrum . 2000- , roč. 1, č. 1- . Praha : CEMC, 2000- . 1 x měsíčně. Dostupný z WWW: <http://www.odpadoveforum.cz/>. ISSN 1212-7779.

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester


Other requirements

Active participation in the completion of the project, including its defense in the exam.


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

1. Applicable legal regulations and legal standards, the definition of waste and the definition of basic concepts. 2. BAT - Best Available Technology - Best available technologies and their implementation in our country and the world. 3. Waste disposal technology and their operation in practice. 4. Technology recycling of waste and their operation in practice. 5. Technology Utilization of waste material in practice. 6. Technology utilization of waste energy in practice. 7. Dealing with large-volume materials. 8. Municipal wastes and their treatment options in practice. 9. Biodegradable wastes and processing them in practice. 10.Seminar - discussion and meetings with practitioners. 11.New developments in technology for waste disposal. 12.Technology for containment of hazardous constituents to the TP in the accident.

Conditions for subject completion

Full-time form (validity from: 2013/2014 Winter semester, validity until: 2021/2022 Summer semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Exercises evaluation and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (100) 51
        Exercises evaluation Credit 33 (33) 16
                Seminární práce Semestral project 10  5
                Písemka Written test 18  8
                Aktivita na cvičení Other task type 5  3
        Examination Examination 67 (67) 35 3
                písemná zkouška Written examination 30  15
                ústní zkouška Oral examination 37  20
Mandatory attendence participation:

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP:

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2021/2022 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2021/2022 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (N2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904T005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner

Assessment of instruction

2020/2021 Winter
2019/2020 Winter
2018/2019 Winter
2017/2018 Winter
2016/2017 Winter
2015/2016 Winter
2013/2014 Winter