619-0005/02 – Theory of Metallurgical Processes (TMP)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Physical Chemistry and Theory of Technological ProcessesCredits7
Subject guarantorprof. Ing. Ľudovít Dobrovský, CSc., dr. h. c.Subject version guarantorprof. Ing. Ľudovít Dobrovský, CSc., dr. h. c.
Study levelundergraduate or graduateRequirementCompulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction1999/2000Year of cancellation2007/2008
Intended for the facultiesFMTIntended for study typesMaster
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
DOB30 prof. Ing. Jana Dobrovská, CSc.
DOB36 prof. Ing. Ľudovít Dobrovský, CSc., dr. h. c.
DUD32 doc. Ing. Rostislav Dudek, Ph.D.
FRA37 Ing. Hana Francová, Ph.D.
KOS37 Ing. Gabriela Kostiuková, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 4+3
Part-time Credit and Examination 24+0

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

- předmět s uvedeným číselným značením se už nevyučuje

Teaching methods


The topic of the subject is theoretical foundation in the area of application of the physical chemistry principles to particular metallurgical processes.

Compulsory literature:

ATKINS,P.W. Physical Chemistry. Fourth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 995 s. Bodsworth,C. Physical Chemistry of Iron and Steel manufacture, london 1962. GASKELL,D.R. Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics. Washington: McGraw- Hill Book Company, 1973.520 p.

Recommended literature:

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester


Other requirements


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

Termická disociace uhličitanů, oxidů, sulfidů, nitridů. Fyzikální a technická disociační teplota. Kinetika disociace. Redukce oxidů plyny, Boudouardova reakce, přímá a nepřímá redukce. Kinetika redukce. Struktura a vlastnosti roztavených kovů. Tání, vypařování, viskozita, povrchové napětí. Krystalizace, homogenní a heterogenní nukleace. Roztoky, koncentrace, základní zákonitostí. Modely roztoků , termodynamická funkce, aktivity, aktivitní koeficienty. Aktivity ve složitějších soustavách. Plyny v kovech, rozpustnost, adsorbce. Roztavené strusky, vlastnosti, složení. Viskozita, povrchové napětí, struktura. Molekulární a ionová teorie. Ideální regulární model ionových tavenin. Reakce mezi struskou a kovem, rozdělení prvků mezi struskou a kovem, rozdělovací koeficient. Rafinační reakce: odsíření, odfosfoření, desoxidace z hlediska představ o teorii strusek. Kinetika rafinačních procesů.

Conditions for subject completion

Full-time form (validity from: 1960/1961 Summer semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Exercises evaluation and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (100) 51 3
        Exercises evaluation Credit 45 (45) 0 3
                Laboratory work Laboratory work 15  0 3
                Written exam Written test 28  0 3
                Other task type Other task type 2  0 3
        Examination Examination 55 (55) 0 3
                Written examination Written examination 15  0 3
                Oral Oral examination 40  0 3
Mandatory attendence participation:

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP:

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2007/2008 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2003/2004 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2002/2003 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2001/2002 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3904T009) Environment Protection in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T016) Metalurgie železa a oceli (03) Metallurgy of Iron and Steel P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T022) Slévárenství (04) Slévárenství K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T030) Tváření materiálů (05) Tváření materiálů P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T024) Thermal Engineering (01) Tepelná technika P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T020) Industrial Ceramics and Refractory Materials (02) Průmyslová keramika a žárovzdorné materiály P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M2109) Metallurgical Engineering (3902T007) Automation and Computer Techniques in Metalurgy P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M3909) Process Engineering (3911T023) Quality Control Management P Czech Ostrava 3 Choice-compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T010) Kovové materiály (02) Metalic Materials K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals K Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan
2000/2001 (M3910) Physical and Materials Engineering (3911T019) Neželezné kovy (03) Non-ferous Metals P Czech Ostrava 3 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner

Assessment of instruction

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