619-0402/07 – Physical Chemistry (FCH)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Physical Chemistry and Theory of Technological ProcessesCredits5
Subject guarantorprof. Ing. Jana Dobrovská, CSc.Subject version guarantorprof. Ing. Jana Dobrovská, CSc.
Study levelundergraduate or graduate
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction2007/2008Year of cancellation2021/2022
Intended for the facultiesHGFIntended for study typesBachelor
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
DOB30 prof. Ing. Jana Dobrovská, CSc.
ZAL041 Ing. Monika Kawuloková, Ph.D.
DOC01 Ing. Simona Zlá, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 2+2

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

-­ to define thermodynamic quantities and thermodynamic laws ­- to utilize the fundamental thermodynamic quantities (enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy) for the system behaviour describing - to describe the chemical equilibrium – to monitor the dependence of the equilibrium constant on state variables (dependence on temperature, dependence on pressure) ­- to describe the phase equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibrium of pure substances ­- to define and to utilize basic terms of chemical kinetics - homogeneous and heterogeneous reaction, rate of chemical reaction, kinetic equation, order of reaction, rate constant ­- to monitor the dependence of the reaction rate on temperature and on pressure ­- to describe basic processes of heterogeneous reactions – diffusion, adsorption; to determine the rate-limiting process for heterogeneous processes ­- to apply gained theoretical knowledge in routine

Teaching methods

Individual consultations


The topic of the subject is chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.

Compulsory literature:

Atkins,P.W., Physical Chemistry. Fourth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 995 p. ATKINS,Peter; De Paula,Julio. Elements of Physical chemistry. Fifth Edition. Oxford: University of Oxford, 2009. 578s.

Recommended literature:

Lupis,C.H.P.Chemical Thermodynamics of materials. New York, North-Holland, 1983. 581 p.

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

- two calculation exam - active participation in seminars


Other requirements

No other activities required.


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

Physical chemistry, signification, classification. Chemical thermodynamics. Heat capacities, heating and cooling of substances. The first law of thermodynamics. Enthalpy, variation of the reaction enthalpy with temperature. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy and its interpretation. Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy. Chemical potential, activity. Chemical equilibriums, equilibrium constant for homogeneous nad heterogeneous chemical reactions, Van´t Hoff reaction isotherm and isobare. The Le Chatelier’s principle. Phase equilibrium - conditions of phase equilibrium. Gibbs phase rule, one-component system (Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron equation), two-component (binary) system (ideal and real solutions, Raoult’s law and Henry’s law). Colligative properties of nonelectrolyte solutions - solutions with non-volatile solute. Phase diagram for two-component liquid mixtures (miscible liquids, partially miscible liquids, totally immiscible liquids). Distribution equilibrium. The chemical kinetics - rate of chemical reaction, order of reaction, molecularity, rate constant, reaction mechanism. Integrated forms of the kinetic equation. The temperature dependence of the rate constant, Arrhenius equation. Kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions, elementary steps in heterogenous reactions. Electrochemistry – electrolytes and theory of electrolytic dissociation. Strong electrolytes - activity and activitiy coefficient, Debye-Hückel limiting law. Solubility product. Equilibrium and dissociation in solutions of weak electrolytes - dissociation of week monobasic acids and bases, hydrolysis of salt, buffer solutions. Electrolysis, transport number, electric conductivity of electrolytes. Electrochemistry potentials, electrodes, galvanic cells. Colloid chemistry - classification of dispersion systems, degree of dispersion. Selected kinetic, electrical and optical properties of colloid systems. Heterogeneous dispersion systems (lyophobic sols, emulsion, foam, aerosol).

Conditions for subject completion

Conditions for completion are defined only for particular subject version and form of study

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2021/2022 (B0712A290001) Waste Management and Mineral Processing P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2020/2021 (B0712A290001) Waste Management and Mineral Processing P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (B0712A290001) Waste Management and Mineral Processing P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R028) Environmental Biotechnology P Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner

Assessment of instruction

2021/2022 Winter
2020/2021 Winter
2017/2018 Winter
2016/2017 Winter
2015/2016 Winter
2009/2010 Winter