632-2001/01 – Approval of vehicles (SV)
Gurantor department | Department of Materials and Technologies for Vehicles | Credits | 7 |
Subject guarantor | Ing. Pavel Klaus, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | Ing. Pavel Klaus, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 3 | Semester | summer |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2019/2020 | Year of cancellation | |
Intended for the faculties | FMT | Intended for study types | Bachelor |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Objective of the course:
To familiarize students with the main requirements for the design of vehicles from the point of view of the regulations for putting vehicles into operation from the point of view of the European Union, the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the national legislation. Students will get an idea of the existence of these regulations and an overview of their structure and requirements. Lectures and seminars will focus on passenger and freight and buses.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be acquainted with the approval processes and the existence of regulations that influence the construction of the vehicles and will be able to apply them.
Obtained skills:
Overview of vehicle approval for operation
Teaching methods
Experimental work in labs
Project work
Terrain work
Objective of the course in terms of learning outcomes and competences The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main requirements for the construction of vehicles from the point of view of regulations for putting vehicles into operation from the point of view of the European Union, the European Economic Commission of the UN and national legislation. Students will get an idea of the existence of these regulations and an overview of their structure and requirements. Lectures and seminars will focus on passenger and freight wagons and buses.
Students will be acquainted with the approval processes and the existence of regulations that influence the construction of the vehicles and will be able to apply them. Students in this subject will gain insight into vehicle approval for operation.
Compulsory literature:
UN Vehicle Regulations - 1958 Agreement, Addenda to the 1958 Agreement (Regulations 1-20) až (Regulations 141 - 143, http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs1-20.html až http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs141-160.html
Recommended literature:
Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 168/2013 ze dne 15. ledna 2013 o schvalování dvoukolových nebo tříkolových vozidel a čtyřkolek a dozoru nad trhem s těmito vozidly Text s významem pro EHP
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
written and oral exam
Credit rating (30b):
1x 10b control test
5x 3b specified program
1x 5b seminar work + presentation
1 control test can be corrected or additionally written (in case of non - participation) on
at the end of the semester in the period of remedial tests
Credit condition:
The minimum number for credit is 16b, submitted programs in electronic
Allowed non-participation of exercises 20%, ie max. 3 exercises.
Other requirements
80% attendance at seminars
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
1. Introduction, requirements for putting the vehicle into operation in different markets
2. National approval, STK
3. EU Directive, Global Approvals
4. Structure of UNECE Regulations, Protocols
5. Lighting, measurements and scales, views
6. EMC, brakes, steering
7. Emissions, noise, passive safety
8. Electromobiles
9. General standards, consumer tests
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction