634-0815/01 – Business Law and Labour Law (OPP)
Gurantor department | Department of Economics and Management in Industry | Credits | 4 |
Subject guarantor | doc. Ing. Šárka Vilamová, Ph.D. | Subject version guarantor | doc. Ing. Šárka Vilamová, Ph.D. |
Study level | undergraduate or graduate | Requirement | Compulsory |
Year | 2 | Semester | winter |
| | Study language | Czech |
Year of introduction | 2006/2007 | Year of cancellation | 2009/2010 |
Intended for the faculties | FMT | Intended for study types | Follow-up Master |
Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences
Student will obtain orientation in the following branches of private law:
- introduction into subject (constitutional principles of commercial law)
- subjects of commercial law and other forms of common business
- business contractual relations
- enterprising of foreign people in the Czech rep.
- trading
- competition, unfair competition
- bankruptcy and settlement – bankruptcy law
- introduction to labor law (constitutional principles)
- rise, change and extinction of labor-law relations
- wage, salary, working hours, holidays, special working conditions
- safety and health protection at work
- responsibility in labor-law relations
- status of trade unions in labor-law relations and collective labor law
- provision of employment and unemployment
- normative of EU in commercial-law and labor-law relations
Teaching methods
Individual consultations
The course gives students an overview of the basic rule of business and labour
law. Notion of business and labour law, basic principles. Business and labour
relation, its characteristics, subjects, its creation. Contracts. Antitrust
law, its substance and impact. Economics of competition and competition policy.
Introduction of EU law in the Czech Republic. Free movement of goods, person,
services, capital and payments. European Competition Policy.
Compulsory literature:
1. Czech Republic Constitution
2. Treaty on European Union
3. Civil Code, 1964
4. Commercial Code, 1991
5. Labour Code, 1965
6. KENEN, PETER B.: Economic and Monetary Union in Europe. Moving beyond
Maastricht, Cambridge University Press, 1995
7. Single Market News. The Newsletter of DG XV – Internal market and Financial
Services, European Commissions, 2006
8. European Communities: Report on Economic and Social Cohesion. January 2005
Recommended literature:
Additional study materials
Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester
Other requirements
Subject has no prerequisities.
Subject has no co-requisities.
Subject syllabus:
— Úvod do předmětu. Ústavní principy obchodního práva.
— Subjekty obchodního práva a jiné formy společného podnikání.
— Obchodní závazkové vztahy.
— Podnikání zahraničních osob v České republice.
— Živnostenské podnikání.
— Hospodářská soutěž.
— Konkurz a vyrovnání.
— Úvod do problematiky pracovního práva.
— Ústavní principy a základní instituty pracovního práva.
— Vznik, změna a zánik pracovněprávních vztahů.
— Mzda, plat, pracovní doba, dovolená, zvláštní pracovní podmínky.
— Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci.
— Odpovědnost v pracovněprávních vztazích.
— Postavení odborů v pracovněprávních vztazích a kolektivní pracovní právo.
— Právní problematika zaměstnanosti a nezaměstnanosti.
— Normativy Evropského společenství v obchodněprávních a pracovněprávních
Conditions for subject completion
Occurrence in study plans
Occurrence in special blocks
Assessment of instruction
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