635-3005/01 – Heat exchangers (VT)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Thermal EngineeringCredits6
Subject guarantorprof. Ing. Miroslav Příhoda, CSc.Subject version guarantorprof. Ing. Miroslav Příhoda, CSc.
Study levelundergraduate or graduateRequirementChoice-compulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction2014/2015Year of cancellation2020/2021
Intended for the facultiesFMTIntended for study typesFollow-up Master
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
PR150 prof. Ing. Miroslav Příhoda, CSc.
VEL37 doc. Ing. Marek Velička, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Full-time Credit and Examination 2+3
Part-time Credit and Examination 16+0

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

Student will be able: - to categorize heat exchangers - to solve power and hydraulic losses or recuperators and regenerators - to illustrate ways of usage of thermal efficiency in determination of heat transfer surface of recuperator - to determine conditions of application of recuperative and regenerative heat exchangers

Teaching methods

Project work


Significance of heat exchangers. Recuperators: temperature profile across the exchanger heat transfer area, mean temperature difference, heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer rate, temperature of heat transfer surface, heat transfer effectiveness of parallel flow and counter-flow, hydraulic calculation. Metal and ceramic recuperator types. Heat pipes: working fluids, temperature distributions, heat transfer rate. Regenerators: Thermal calculation. Heat transfer quantity. Heat transfer coefficient. Hydraulic calculation. Regenerator types.

Compulsory literature:

[1] LIENHARD IV, J. H., LIENHARD V, J. H. A Heat Transfer Textbook. 4th ed. Cambridge: Phlogiston Press, 2012. http://web.mit.edu/lienhard/www/ahtt.html (Chapter 3).

Recommended literature:

[1] KUPPAN, T. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2000. ISBN 0-8247-9787-6. [2] HEWITT, G. F. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook 2008. New York: Begell House, 2009. ISBN 1567002595. [3] WANG, L. SUNDÉN, B., MANGLIK, R. M. Plate Heat Exchangers: Design, Applications and Performance. Southampton: WIT Press, 2007. ISBN 185312737X.

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

Written test


http://katedry.fmmi.vsb.cz/635/; There is a continuous expansion of e-learning elements into teaching.

Other requirements

Elaboration of the projekt.


Subject codeAbbreviationTitleRequirement
635-2001 STaP Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Recommended


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

1. Classification of heat exchangers. The importance of heat exchangers, energy saving, fuel savings, the degree of recuperation, increasing combustion temperature, increase performance aggregate. 2. Thermal calculation of recuperator. The differential equation for the relationship between medium temperature and the size heat transfer surface. Solving equations for various cases boundary conditions. 3. Dependence of temperature difference between the hot and cold streams on the size of the heat transfer surface. Calculation of the mean temperature difference. 4. Heat transfer coefficient for the ceramic and metal recuperators. Influence of heat transfer coefficients on the overall heat transfer coefficient 5. Heat rate of recuperator. Temperature heat transfer surfaces in the consideration or neglecting the thermal resistence of heat transfer surfaces, a criteria expression. 6. The definition of heat exchanger effectiveness. Determination of heat exchanger effectiveness for the parallel and counterflow cases for different ratios between total heat capacities. 7. Hydraulic calculation. Pressure loss by friction, local, geometric. Pressure losses resulting from non-isothermal flow mediums. 8. Types of metal, ceramic and plastic heat exchangers. Operating conditions of heat exchangers. 9. Heat pipes: the working fluid, process temperature and radial heat flow. 10. Regenerators - Thermal calculation. The amount of heat transmitted. The coefficient of heat transfer. Hydraulic calculation. Pressure losses. Types of regenerators.

Conditions for subject completion

Full-time form (validity from: 2014/2015 Summer semester, validity until: 2020/2021 Summer semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Exercises evaluation and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (100) 51
        Exercises evaluation Credit 25  15
        Examination Examination 75  36 3
Mandatory attendence participation:

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP:

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2019/2020 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2019/2020 (N3909) Process Engineering (2805T019) Chemical and environmental engineering P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N3909) Process Engineering (2805T019) Chemical and environmental engineering P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N3909) Process Engineering (2805T019) Chemical and environmental engineering P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N3909) Process Engineering (2805T019) Chemical and environmental engineering P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N3909) Process Engineering (2805T019) Chemical and environmental engineering P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials P Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (N2109) Metallurgical Engineering (2109T039) Thermal Engineering and Ceramic Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Choice-compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner
FMMI 2017/2018 Full-time English Compulsory 601 - Study Office stu. block
FMMI 2016/2017 Full-time English Compulsory 601 - Study Office stu. block
FMMI 2015/2016 Full-time English Compulsory 601 - Study Office stu. block
FMMI_N 2014/2015 Full-time Czech Compulsory 601 - Study Office stu. block

Assessment of instruction

2019/2020 Summer
2016/2017 Summer
2015/2016 Summer