714-0575/02 – Descriptive Geometry (DG)

Gurantor departmentDepartment of Mathematics and Descriptive GeometryCredits5
Subject guarantorMgr. Dagmar Dlouhá, Ph.D.Subject version guarantorMgr. Dagmar Dlouhá, Ph.D.
Study levelundergraduate or graduateRequirementCompulsory
Study languageCzech
Year of introduction1999/2000Year of cancellation2019/2020
Intended for the facultiesHGFIntended for study typesBachelor
Instruction secured by
LoginNameTuitorTeacher giving lectures
DLO44 Mgr. Dagmar Dlouhá, Ph.D.
Extent of instruction for forms of study
Form of studyWay of compl.Extent
Part-time Credit and Examination 13+0

Subject aims expressed by acquired skills and competences

• to train development of space abilities • to handle by different types of projection methods, to understand to their principles, to be familiar with their properties, advantages and disadvantages • to acquaint with geometric characteristics of curves and surfaces that are used in technical practice of a given specialization

Teaching methods

Individual consultations
Other activities


Ideal elements. Conics. Basic terms, focal properties. Basic properties of projection. Parallel projection. Axial affinity in plane. Orthogonal projection with heights. Positional tasks. Metric tasks. The projection of a circle. Rectangular axonometry. Positional tasks. Metric tasks and the projection of a circle onto the coordinate planes. Elementary surfaces and solids. Basic terms and properties. Plane section. Intersections with a line. Tangent planes.

Compulsory literature:

Vavříková,E.:Descriptive Geometry,VŠB – TU,Ostrava 2005, ISBN 80-248-1006-9

Recommended literature:

Vavříková,E.:Descriptive Geometry, Ostrava, VŠB – TU 2005. ISBN 80-248-1006-9

Additional study materials

Way of continuous check of knowledge in the course of semester

Podmínky absolvování předmětu Za účast na konzultacích může student získat 5 - 20 bodů, v případě neúčasti může student získat 5 bodů za zpracování zadaného programu. Požadavky ke zkoušce: Podmínkou pro účast na zkoušce je zapsaný zápočet z příslušného předmětu. Písemná část zkoušky bude hodnocena 0 - 60 body, za její úspěšné absolvování bude považován zisk 25 bodů. Ústní část zkoušky bude hodnocena 0 - 20 body, za její úspěšné absolvování bude považován zisk 5 bodů. Po sečtení bodů získaných za zápočet, písemnou a ústní část zkoušky bude student hodnocen výborně, velmi dobře, dobře a nevyhověl, podle tabulky studijního a zkušebního řádu VŠB - TUO. Pro zapsání zkoušky podle tabulky musí student úspěšně absolvovat obě části kombinované zkoušky a dosáhnout potřebného počtu bodů. Bodové hodnocení: Získané body Známka 86 - 100 výborně 66 - 85 velmi dobře 51 - 65 dobře 0 - 50 nevyhověl Soubor otázek 1. Promítání - základní pojmy. 2. Kolineace mezi dvěma rovinami - základní vlastnosti. 3. Středová kolineace v rovině - základní vlastnosti, úběžník, úběžnice. 4. Osová afinita v rovině - základní vlastnosti. 5. Kótované promítání - princip, zobrazení bodu, přímky, roviny. 6. Přímka - stopník, stupňování, interval, odchylka od průmětny. 7. Hlavní a spádové přímky roviny, spádové měřítko. 8. Základní úlohy polohy v kótovaném promítání. 9. Skutečná velikost úsečky v kótovaném promítání. 10. Kolmice k rovině v kótovaném promítání. 11. Rovina kolmá k přímce v kótovaném promítání. 12. Otáčení roviny kolem stopy do průmětny v kótovaném promítání. 13. Průmět kružnice v kótovaném promítání. 14. Pravoúhlá axonometrie - princip, ax. trojúhelník, osový kříž, jednotky na osách. 15. Pravoúhlá axonometrie - zobrazení bodu, přímky, roviny. 16. Pravoúhlá axonometrie - základní úlohy polohy. 17. Pravoúhlá axonometrie - zobrazení kružnice v souřadnicových rovinách. 18. Elipsa - definice, ohniskové vlastnosti. 19. Hyperbola - definice, ohniskové vlastnosti. 20. Parabola - definice, ohniskové vlastnosti. 21. Konstrukce kuželoseček z daných prvků. 22. Afinní obraz kružnice. 23. Sdružené průměry elipsy, Rytzova konstrukce. 24. Proužková konstrukce elipsy. 25. Řez hranolu rovinou. 26. Řez jehlanu rovinou. 27. Řez válce rovinou. 28. Tečná rovina válce a kužele. Tečná rovina koule. 29. Průsečíky přímky s hranolem a válcem. 30. Průsečíky přímky s jehlanem a kuželem. 31. Topografické plochy - zobrazení, tečná rovina, spádnice. 32. Křivka konstantního spádu na topografické ploše. 33. Profil topografické plochy, jeho užití. 34. Řez topografické plochy rovinou. 35. Průsečíky přímky s topografickou plochou. 36. Podélný profil křivky. 37. Průsečíky křivky s topografickou plochou, planýrovací plocha křivky. 38. Plocha konstantního spádu danou křivkou. 39. Spojení objektu s terénem. 40. Ochranný pilíř. 41. Blokdiagram.


Other requirements

Other requirements for students are placed.


Subject has no prerequisities.


Subject has no co-requisities.

Subject syllabus:

Improper elements. Conics. Basic concepts and focal properties. The basic properties of projection. Parallel projection. Central collineations and axial affinity in plane. Projection with dimensions. Position tasks. Metric problems. Projection of a circle. Orthogonal axonometry. Position tasks. Metric problems and the projection of a circle in coordinate planes. Elementary surfaces and solids. Basic concepts and properties. Planar cut. Intersections with a line. Tangent plane. Topographical surfaces.

Conditions for subject completion

Part-time form (validity from: 2014/2015 Summer semester, validity until: 2019/2020 Summer semester)
Task nameType of taskMax. number of points
(act. for subtasks)
Min. number of pointsMax. počet pokusů
Exercises evaluation and Examination Credit and Examination 100 (100) 51 3
        Exercises evaluation Credit 20  5 3
        Examination Examination 80 (80) 30 3
                Written examination Written examination 60  25 3
                Oral Oral examination 20  5 3
Mandatory attendence participation:

Show history

Conditions for subject completion and attendance at the exercises within ISP:

Show history

Occurrence in study plans

Academic yearProgrammeBranch/spec.Spec.ZaměřeníFormStudy language Tut. centreYearWSType of duty
2018/2019 (B2111) Mining (2101R014) Blasting Operations in Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2111) Mining (2101R014) Blasting Operations in Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B1316) Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2018/2019 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B1316) Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2017/2018 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B1316) Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2016/2017 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2111) Mining (2101R013) Mining of Mineral Resources and Their Utilization K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B1316) Geodesy, Cartography and Geoinformatics (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2015/2016 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2014/2015 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2013/2014 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2012/2013 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2011/2012 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2010/2011 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2009/2010 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R001) Economics and Management in the Field of Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2110) Geological Engineering (2101R003) Geological Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R003) Commerce Engineering in Raw Materials Treatment Industry K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2008/2009 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R022) Waste Treatment and Disposal K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R022) Waste Treatment and Disposal K Czech Most 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R001) Economics and Management in the Field of Raw Materials K Czech Most 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2110) Geological Engineering (2101R003) Geological Engineering K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R003) Commerce Engineering in Raw Materials Treatment Industry K Czech Ostrava 2 Choice-compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Ostrava 2 Compulsory study plan
2007/2008 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Most 2 Compulsory study plan
2006/2007 (N2110) Geological Engineering (2101T003) Geological Engineering (00) Geologické inženýrství K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2110) Geological Engineering (2101R003) Geological Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R006) Water Technologies and Water Management K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R022) Waste Treatment and Disposal K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R022) Waste Treatment and Disposal K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R001) Economics and Management in the Field of Raw Materials K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Most 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R003) Commerce Engineering in Raw Materials Treatment Industry K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2005/2006 (N2110) Geological Engineering (2101T003) Geological Engineering (00) Geologické inženýrství K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R012) Management of Resources of Building Mineral Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3902R006) Automation and Computers in Raw Material Industry K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2110) Geological Engineering (2101R003) Geological Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2111) Mining (2101R008) Mining Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R006) Water Technologies and Water Management K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R022) Waste Treatment and Disposal K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (3904R005) Environmental Engineering K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R001) Economics and Management in the Field of Raw Materials K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R006) Geoinformatics K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (6209R013) Information and System Management K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R007) Engineering Geodesy K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B3646) Geodesy and Cartography (3646R001) Mining Surveying K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R013) Processing of Raw Materials and Recycling K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan
2004/2005 (B2102) Mineral Raw Materials (2102R003) Commerce Engineering in Raw Materials Treatment Industry K Czech Ostrava 1 Compulsory study plan

Occurrence in special blocks

Block nameAcademic yearForm of studyStudy language YearWSType of blockBlock owner

Assessment of instruction

2018/2019 Summer
2017/2018 Summer
2016/2017 Summer
2015/2016 Summer
2014/2015 Summer
2011/2012 Summer
2010/2011 Summer
2009/2010 Summer